250 on ebay

Started by Heinz Raidel, December 08, 2000, 08:05:41 PM

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Dave Withrow

Nuf said boys.  Life's too short as it is so leave it be.......who wants cake?


Larry Perkins

I am always good for cake.  Peace!



Would you please pass the cake ?


Okay guys, now that all the arguing is done, lets all go out and ride our PENTONS!!!!

Happy New Year fellas.



has been an "interesting" topic, to say the least,, lotsa good points made, but I wasnt really compelled to jump in 'til I knew there was cake .....   a lil scoop of ice cream, too, please !  

Happy -n- safe New Year to all !

1973 Jackpiner 175,          my  "real" name is Mark McGrew, my friends call me Gooey,, Please,, call me Gooey!