POG meeting

Started by Paul Danik, August 30, 2010, 06:45:09 AM

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Paul Danik


    The September POG meeting will be taking place this Thursday, September 2nd.  The meeting will be held at the usual location, the KTM boardroom located in the KTM main office building, Amherst, Ohio.  The start time is 7 PM.

    As always, you do not need to be a POG member to attend, we enjoy visitors and enjoy hearing their storys, so if you are in the area please feel free to drop by.

     Hope to see you there.


Paul Danik

If all goes as planned we will be sharing some birthday cake at the meeting in honor of John's 85th birthday. Yes, it was a couple of weeks ago, but hopefully we are still with in the grace period for a birthday celebration.  We have several folks in Amherst working on making sure that John gets off the backhoe and makes it to the meeting :D

    We will be reading the birthday greetings that some of you have left for John in another thread, I will be bringing that thread back to the top and will be printing it out tomorrow about noon to take to the meeting, so there is still time to send JP a birthday message.



Anyone given any thought to trying to do a "webcast" of the meetings?? Give people the chance to attend and be part of the meeting without actually being there. I couldn't cuz I'm on dial up, and I can't get info into the computer fast enuff, but it might be worth a try.