encouraging PFP news

Started by OhioTed, September 30, 2010, 08:28:15 AM

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A nice young man, working with a contractor-customer of mine, walked into my office yesterday and immediately spotted my POG calendar on the wall (thanks Randy!).  He then asked if I was into Pentons.

Surprised and impressed, I answered in the affirmative, then in turn asked him how he happens to know about Penton motorcycles.  Turns out this sharp young fellow knows all about JP, Penton motorcycles, and is really into the whole vintage scene.  

This basically made my day, as we are always looking for interest in vintage bikes by younger enthusiasts.  My young friend's name is Eric, and I would ask you to consider dropping him a line to let him know of our appreciation of his awareness and interest in Penton motorcycles.  

Note that Eric would very much like to own a Penton motorcycle, but currently is "working his way up to be able to afford one".  Sound familiar?  Eric's e-mail address is:  [email protected].