gear which works well and why?

Started by acemoto, October 16, 2010, 06:36:22 AM

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who makes good protective gear for off road use . As well who makes good cloting off road
and why in your opinion its good
shirts, pants , chest protection , knee protection , arm protection , foot protection
I would love to hear which is good , its confusing on the internet.

Larry Perkins

A lot of gear preference is personal as everyone likes different stuff.  My spin would be according to my experience and your needs.  I mainly wear Moose Sahara gear as it is the coolest gear temperature wise I have found.  It holds up pretty well too and is not too high priced.  My Thor gear has held up the very best of any I have ever worn but it is not as cool as the Moose Sahara and heat has been my major concern racing the last couple of seasons.  As far as shoulder protection I only use the Thor Force protector.  I like the area of protection and it is suspended at the shoulder to help cushion in case of disaster.  I took a full lick at speed racing Baja a couple of years ago, almost went over the bars, and hit the steering stabilizer solid in the chest.  It minorly cracked the protector but no damage other than bruise to the chest/sternum.  I would not ride without my EVS Web knee braces because I have one bad knee and one I do not want to be bad.  If you want just knee hit protection the Thor Force knee protectors are good but will not help much for ligament damage.  For the kneck I use an EVS race collar but the kneck systems are better spinal protection.  The race collar will help but is mainly to keep the helmet from breaking the collarbone in a get off.  Big piece of advice is DO NOT scrimp on a helmet.  Most things can be fixed if disaster strikes and you are not wearing enough protection but your head is an exception.  I have several helmets but race mainly in My Thor Carbon Force helmet.  I have a couple of regular Thor Force helmets also but the carbon one is lighter, and in the racing I have been doing, with many hours on the bike the light weight is good after a day of racing.  For boots I stated in another post that I wear Tech 10 Alpine Stars as they have great protection combined with good mobility.  I like the bootie idea and my knee braces fit with full closure.  Hope this helps from one rider standpoint.

Larry P

Kip Kern

I prefer Thor pants, jersey and chest protector, Arai helmet (very light) Hi Point boots with shin plate.  I don't like modern boots as I cannot feel the shifter with my toe.  Not a fan of vivid colors, simply plain like the good old days. Don't forget a camelback for hydration.  Have Fun!

Mark P

For riding the KTM, I wear the KLIM in boot pants, both their warm weather "Baja" pant and their regular ones. I like KLIM because they arent flashy and they have POCKETS!! You can stuff a good bit of stuff in them(nothing sharp or hard-rember about falling). I have a plain white Shoei VFX-W helmet that is really nice.  Im having issues with finding goggles that I like to fit my glasses and i think i am eventually going to prescription goggles that have been discussed on POG before. I like the KLIM gloves and use the same EVS gear that Larry uses(Larry-I cant get the EVS neck collar attached to my EVS chest protector...I'll give you a call).  I think my knee guards are from Moose racing.

KLIM appears to be high quality and I have had no issues with any of it.  I wash it in cold water with that "dark color Cheer" or "Dark color Woolite" and lay it out to air dry and it looks new.  I want to try KLIMs Expedition "over-the-boot" pants for my DP riding. The  Expedition pants must be popular because it seems like the retailers are always out of them.

From my earlier post ref the fractured big toe, get good boots.  I dont know if a full blown off-road boot would have completely prevented the crushed toe(s) I got when my left foot got pinched between my DR650 and the concrete ford  but Im upgrading my off-road boots nonetheless. (And Im writng this with a throbbing left toe and knee in cast..)

Mike Hufnagel

Me? I use an Arai, (HJC does make a very good cheap helmet that I sometimes use) Alpinestar tech 8 boots, Pro grip goggles, Warm weather gear is Moose Sahara and coldder weather Moose again or MSR. Mechanix gloves (model depending) work pretty well for me and seem to last a bit longer than regulat moto x gloves.

74 Yamaha TY 250
75 Jackpiner w/ 250 eng.
80 Ktm Mc 400
82 KTM GS250II (import)
82 KTM 495
2) 84 Yam RZ350
98 KTM 300mxc
00 KTM Duke 2
06 KTM 950 Adv.
08 Suzuki DR70Z
\\\'12 Husaberg TE300
74 Penton Wassels
74 Yamaha TY 250
77 Yamaha TY 175
74 Jackpiner w/ 250 eng.
82 KTM GS250II (import)
77 Yamaha RD 400 Daytona Café replica
81 Ktm mx 495
12 Ktm RC8R
04 Honda xr 100
06 KTM 950 Adv.