Christmas dilemma solved

Started by Paul Danik, November 09, 2010, 07:59:02 PM

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Paul Danik


   Around this time of year I start to hear how the kids want to know what to get me for Christmas, possibly you are in the same situation, or maybe your better half is looking for some ideas.  

   How about a membership in the POG for Christmas, or a POG calendar?  If you are already a member of the POG we thank you for your continued support. If not, this is a great opportunity for you to join. If you enjoy this message board please keep in mind that it is supported by membership dues and it is run by volunteer POG members.

   The POG calendar is now in its seventh year and is put together and handled by POG member Randy Kirkbride, Randy turns over all profits from the calendar to the POG.

   The POG takes great pride in supporting activities and events in the vintage community, such as sponsoring the AHRMA Cross Country series.  It sure sounds like a win, win situation. Get a POG membership and calendar for Christmas, and know that you are helping to support not only the POG but also the vintage motorcycling community.

   POG membership

   POG calendar
