Penton repair video

Started by chuck, January 12, 2011, 01:37:24 PM

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Has anyone ever shot a video of a Penton engine rebuild, shift mechanism adjustment, etc.?


72 125 Six Days
72 100 Berkshire
74 250 Hare Scrambles
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72 125 Six Days
72 100 Berkshire
74 250 Hare Scrambles
72 Wassel

joe novak

No.  Adjusting a Sachs shift mechanism is "top secret".  I will ask Doug Wilford if he might be interested in being the star of a new movie, and willing to share his knowledge of the Sachs engines.   joe


I don't know about others, but I would be willing to pay dearly. Doug could sit back and watch the money flow in.


72 125 Six Days
72 100 Berkshire
74 250 Hare Scrambles
72 Wassel

72 125 Six Days
72 100 Berkshire
74 250 Hare Scrambles
72 Wassel

Doug Wilford

All I can say right now is:  The subject has been discussed with a few friends.   I will say it is in the plans for this coming year.  My health has kept me out of the garage these past few months, but we are feeling better, and hope things stay that way.
Have Fun!!!!!!!



Glad to hear you're feeling better.

I recently rebuilt a Triumph motor and could not have done it without a video I purchased. Thought it would be great if I could do the same with my Pentons. The Triumpn DVD sells for $42. Could be a nice source of income.


72 125 Six Days
72 100 Berkshire
74 250 Hare Scrambles
72 Wassel

72 125 Six Days
72 100 Berkshire
74 250 Hare Scrambles
72 Wassel


I'm with Chuck.   I'd buy one!   Take it easy Doug and get better.


72 six-day
79 KTM MC80 250
72 six-day
79 KTM MC80 250
