POG to display at Cleveland International MC SHow

Started by Paul Danik, January 14, 2011, 07:56:24 PM

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Paul Danik

The Penton Owners Group is excited to announce that it will once again have a display at the Progressive International Motorcycle Show taking place at the IX Center, Cleveland, Ohio, January 28,29 and 30. When the show management saw the response to the display that the POG did last year, they offered up a much larger area for this years display.

The theme of this years POG display will revolve around the various areas of vintage motorcycling that POG members embrace, including but not limited to, restoration, various forms of vintage racing, historic documentation including the collection of memorabilia and motorcycles, as well as showcasing machines of historical significance to the marque.

Any and all POG members and Penton enthusiasts are encouraged to drop by and be a part of this exciting and enjoyable event.  The link below will give show hours and directions.  For any of you who have never been to the IX Center it is a really wonderful facility and no visit is complete without a ride on the indoor Ferris wheel. This particular Ferris wheel will take you up and through the roof for a panoramic view that includes the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, this airport is the same one at which Doug Wilford's Father, Wally, picked up the first 10 serial production Pentons in March of 1968.



Paul Danik

The plans for this weekends POG display are coming together nicely. It looks like we will have an interesting array of machines that will help us to tell the Penton story and to also show the various segments of interests among POG members.

If you can make the event please drop by and hang out for awhile. We intend to have the POG EZ-up in the center of the booth so we shouldn't be hard to find. We have a number of folks already involved in displaying their bikes and also volunteering to man the display. Some of these folks are Al and Ollie Martin, Doug Wilford, Al Born, Jeff Borer, Greg Troyan, Jack Penton, John Penton, Scott Brogan and Al Buehner.  I am sure I missed some others, but we sure appreciate all of the help everyone has put into the show display.


Paul Danik

It turns out that film producer Peter Starr will be at the Cleveland Show, many of you will remember Peter from the time a few years back when he came to Amherst and we watched his movie "Take It To The Limit" at the Amherst Theater. I believe POG member and Amherst motorcycle dealer Dale Barris was involved in bringing Peter to Amherst at that time as part of a charity fund raising effort by American Honda.  Peter is also well known for his "Bad Rock" ISDT qualifier movie which has some great footage of Penton riders Jack and Tom Penton as well as Doug Wilford and many others.

    From what I have been told Peter will be doing some interviews on a specially prepared stage during the show.  Two of the folks being interviewed will be Jack Penton and Paul Stannard, Jack concerning the Penton motorcycles and Paul about Hodakas.  I will try to post a schedule of the interviews if we can get a hold of one, I think both Paul and Jack will be interviewed twice on Saturday.

    There is a rumor circulating that there might even be a very special Hodaka in the POG display :)

     Here is a short clip with Peter Starr in it.


[email protected]

Paul thank you for the plug. I believe both Jack and I will be interviewed each separately on Friday and again on Saturday but I could have it mixed up. That is normal for me :-)
I truly appreciate the warm welcome you have given me to join you guys at this show and really hope that next year Hodaka and Penton groups can work together to show displays at all of the other IMS shows nationwide. We are both very small brands but I feel we both have shown the nation and even the world what we can do with the support of our memberships. This weekend is just the beginning.

I am very proud to be a part of the Hodaka thing but also very proud to be a member of the Penton Owners Group too.

I hope to ask a favor of any POG member please coming to this event at the IMS show in Cleveland or any other show later on. I have been trying to get my friend Peter Starr to finish remastering and digitalizing the Bad Rock video and make it into a DVD.Peter and I have been talking about this for years now. He came out to Hodaka Days a few years ago and even shot some new footage of the Bad Rock.Peter has been extremely busy with his new "Take it to the Limit" book and DVD but my hope is that now after the IMS shows he might consider turning the Bad Rock video into the DVD so we can offer it to you the public. When you see Peter this weekend if you can please gently give him a nudge and ask when he might be coming out with a Bad Rock DVD. I have offered to sponsor it and help with the cost so all I need is his time. If we can get a few guys to put a bug in his ear maybe just maybe we can have them for this years ISDTRR in Combs.
I look forward to seeing everyone in Cleveland it will be a great show.
Thanks for the space

joe novak

Paul and Paul,  You both are great ambassadors for our sport and hobby.  The best part is that two groups (POG and HODAKA) which are competitive within our sport, work so well together.   I hope to see both of you at the show.   Joe


The opening of the clip that Paul put a link to is the dog fight between Roberts and Spencer at Daytona.  Although Roberts transmission broke these opening laps where some of the greatest roadracing I have ever seen.  Thanks Paul.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Paul, thanks for the heads up on the Hodaka that will be in our display. I will bring some Penton decals to the event that we can slap on the gas tank. [:0] Afterall, we don't want to confuse all those Harley riders that will be checking out our display. They have a hard enough time just figuring out what a dirt bike is let alone more than one brand name in a display.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner

[email protected]

I miss you to Al :D  I thought you had enough of me last weekend in York ? Maybe this weekend we can time to visit. See you Friday

Paul Danik


  I hope Peter will consider putting some interviews with folks like Doug Wilford, Jack, Tom and Jeff Penton and some of the others who rode the Bad Rock event "back in the day" in his DVD version.  One of my favorite parts of the "40 Summers Ago" book was the back section where it told of the stars of the book and what they were doing at that time. Bob Canfield would be another great person to interview, and Karol DeGraw, and ........

  Paul, I do have it on good authority that "The Hammer" will be making a showing at the Cleveland Show this weekend in honor of Peter's attendance. From what he has communicated to me he intends to bring the exact hammer that he was filmed with at Bad Rock back in 1973, he plans to re-create that famous scene from the movie at the POG booth sometime around noon on Saturday. He doesn't have an exact time planned as he doesn't want to do it while you or Jack are being interviewed as he doesn't want to steal your audience, what a guy.

Paul :)

Jack Penton

This page is difficult to find on the IMS show site but here is the info they posted on the Peter Starr interviews with Paul and I. There does not appear to be a schedule for our interviews but Peter asked me to join him on Saturday at 11:00am and 2:30pm.


Thanks to Paul, Al and Ollie and everyone who is contributing for putting this IMS/POG weekend together. You guys are the best!

I look forward to see all of my POG friends this weekend.
See you at the IX Center.

[email protected]

Paul those are excellent suggestions about having Peter interview Mr. Penton, Doug ,Jack etc... Let us see if we can "engage" Peter shall we when we are there. I believe that Bob Canfield was interviewed for this forthcoming DVD several years ago. I believe that Peter has intensions of doing it but now might be a good time.

Very cool about the "hammer". Interesting very interesting.
Jack and Paul I always look very much forward to spending time with you guys and of course the rest of the POG also. Thank you all for letting me hang out with you guys this weekend. I have had great feedback from my Hodaka Club committee members about a possible POG/ Hodaka etc.. displays next year at IMS shows if you all might be interested. As usual we are only following you lead.
See you soon

[email protected]

Ohh Ohh I just read the link that Jack had supplied in his post.
First I am not a "great racer" and to have my name even mentioned in the same sentence as Jack's is unbelievable. Please excuse what Peter had posted on the IMS site..
And where did he find that photo ?
Sorry about that guys it looks like Peter embellished considerably about what he wrote about myself.
A very embarrassed Paul ducking for cover :-(

Paul Danik


   What a wonderful tribute to have it stated in your introduction that the spark that lit your fire was instigated by you wanting to ride with your son, Chris.

   It is very interesting that both the Penton story and the Strictly Hodaka story involve "family", that says a lot about the true quality of our sport / hobby and the folks who are so involved in it.


Larry Perkins

I love the family angle as I never had that.  Like my old Texas compadre Jody Weisel my Father never saw me race.  My Mother has only seen me race once in 1984.  She got up at 5:30 am to come see me race the last Best In The Desert race this season but I never got my turn to ride which I will always regret.:(

Not to embarass but one of the things I respect so much about Paul Danik is his love and importance of family.  Some don't know it but when Paul was at his best he gave it up to get a house and build a family.  He is a better man than me or at the least less selfish.

It is a theme of Family that has intertwined our sport with our lives and I relish those that are able to share that love with the people they also cherish.  Too cool!

Paul Danik