Sachs 100cc Sunburst Head Needed

Started by Mark Liston, January 30, 2011, 04:35:25 PM

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Oops, Found some cut 096's in the pile for the 125. I'am done [xx(][xx(]


 save some of the coolaid for me [:0]
this is crazy - LOL -

i guess now we just give up on the #'s and look for the 33mm opening,

good luck guys,

Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]

Mark Liston

I thank you all for your informational contributions and my search is a little more condensed for my needs. I do have 2 ST 125 heads to barter,a 125 ST cylinder/piston in good shape at 54.5mm and flywheel case with no damage. Hope to find the desired 100cc ST head and we can talk.

I plucked what I believe to be a very, very late 1971 ST Berkshire enduro (V6580) from all places but a vintage church basement in central/eastern Indiana. The church was converted to a residence apartment and I thought I walked into 1970 ish all over again. Chevelle parts, big blocks, L88 hoods, 4 El Caminos and bikes. I left with 4 bikes and the renter was begging me to take a rough 1984 KTM 125 for free. My truck was overloaded and I could not accept or I would have lost it going home.

In summary I look forward to locating a ST 100cc head.

Mike G.-I appreciate the fin machining concept offer and may need if I fail at my ST 100cc search.

Ron C.- I look forward to hearing what you might have to assist me in my needs. FYI- the 125 5A I bought from you 10 months ago is purring well in the restored 1970 Six Days. Thanks again.

Mark Liston

G Ellis

Mark I would be interset in th 1984 125. I  live 70 miles west of Indy. Can you email me off line? [email protected]  Later Gary


Mark I will be away from my shop for another week and a half with a Family member in Houston for medical treatment.  Just email around February 14 and I hope to be back at the shop.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


  I sent you pictures today.  Let me know if you haven't received them.  Sorry for the delay.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Mark Liston

I have not seen corespondence with photos of head that you sent. I will re-state my e-mail addy of [email protected] for clarity purposes. Look forward to it. If technology interfers I will just send you the money in advance.

Thank you,
Mark Liston


100cc head is shipped, double boxed and insured.  I sent you the tracking information via email.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh