Cylinder Fins Rubber

Started by Keith Meatyard, March 10, 2011, 08:41:05 PM

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Keith Meatyard

Anybody got a set of the rubbers that go in the four corners of a Jackpiner cylinder?  They look like giant rubber nails.  I'd like to buy some to complete some of the details on my project.


Keith Meatyard
Keith Meatyard


I have never found the original style, but I have substituted black fuel line instead.  


Just an FYI, since 2001 I have only ever seen 1 set ever published for sale, and they were a used set. I am guessing KTM didn't ever expect them to wear out....

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Steve Minor

As I recall, POG member John Durrill uses black fuel line as a substitute. Maybe he'll chime in with diameter and installation info.

Steve Minor
Wilmington, NC
Steve Minor


You can purchase rubber cord material from McMaster-Carr in various diameters.  Just purchase a slightly larger diameter than the hole diameter.  When you install the cord you will have to stretch it during the installation to get it through the smaller diameter hole.  Then cut it to length after you have released the tension.

Simple and cheap.


Mike Lenz

A few years ago I believe I sent one to Al Buehner for a sample to make new ones off of??


Hi Keith! Actually Tony is correct, here is a pic of a jig that stretches the rubber rope, it's length is 20.5 in. (loa) insert the worx thru the holes, then tighten the wing nutz to stretzen the rope..

Adios, Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius

Keith Meatyard

Tom, I had wondered how you would stretch the rubber when some kind of gripping tool would have to pass through the holes also.  This photo is great.  I assume the wires are passing through some cross drilled holes in the end of the rubber.  I am going to attempt to fabricate a tool like this.  I also have a rubber and gasket supplier near my work that may be able to provide a rubber piece with appropriate flexibility.  Thanks again to eveyone for all the great ideas.

Keith Meatyard
Keith Meatyard


  Here is the long version.  I bought Al's last NOS set a number of years ago.  I then sent one back for a sample so that he could contact his rubber guy to make repops.  He sent it off and then it gets lost by the rubber guy.  I then send Al a second one but, by now the rubber guy has given Al an ulcer so the second one goes nowhere.  About twice a year I would remember the idea and call Al and see what the latest news was.  Finally a month or so ago, I asked Al if he felt like continuing to pursue it but, he had pretty much given up.  He sent back my second sample so, I am now back to 3 of the 4.  I have been looking around casually for someone to try this again but, must admit it isn't my number one priority.  Would be neat to have some available since I could personally use a bunch and I know plenty of Poggers out there have KTM motors with rotted cylinder rubbers too!  Some day.:D

  Mike H.
  Tulsa POG

Larry Perkins

There is a guy on eBay that sells a lot of different repop rubber stuff for all different brands.  maybe he should be contacted to try and reproduce them.

Larry P


In January of 2007 the first sample that I sent to my contact was lost somewhere in shipping it from my contact to his manufacturing source. That first contact also turned into a no-go when he developed "personal problems" and I could not communicate with him. After about of year of chasing after him, I "cut bait".

I sent a sample to a second contact who quoted me pricing. I gave him the go ahead, and supposedly they were made and ready for shipment. This second contact strung me along for months and was not returning my phone calls. I believe that he ran into money problems and I don't think that the rubbers were ever made.

In January of 2009 I sent a sample to my source for parts here in the USA. He quoted me pricing on having these made up that in my opinion was just too pricey. My original intent was to come up with a large supply of these priced around $6 per piece. From what I was quoted, the selling price on these would have to be over $18 per piece - based on the cost for tooling, labor and material cost. That means that it would cost $72 for a set of 4 to do 1 cylinder. Plus I would have to tie up a lot of money that could be used towards making other parts that everyone needs.

Needless to say, I have been frustrated with this. You trust people to follow through with their promises and unfortunately I had the opportunity to learn about 2 people you cannot trust. I wish to thank Mike Lenz and Mike Husted for trusting me during the process by providing a sample of the rubbers.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner


Hi, a link to McMaster Carr, I think I used Buna-N 1/2 in. or EPDM stretches better?
Adios, Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius


Hey, I remember that stuff, when I worked in the machine shop for Texaco we made a lot of o-rings with it. You didn't want any of the glue on you or you might have a o-ring hanging from your fingers. Thanks Tom


  Thanks again for the efforts.  Some of these things seem to be way more trouble than they should.  Cheers.

  Mike H.


Quotequote:Originally posted by Keith Meatyard

Tom, I had wondered how you would stretch the rubber when some kind of gripping tool would have to pass through the holes also.  This photo is great.  I assume the wires are passing through some cross drilled holes in the end of the rubber.  I am going to attempt to fabricate a tool like this.  I also have a rubber and gasket supplier near my work that may be able to provide a rubber piece with appropriate flexibility.  Thanks again to eveyone for all the great ideas.

Keith Meatyard

I cut one end of the rubberstring to a conical end.Push the rubber trough the hole,grip the end between the 2 fins with needlenose plyers and pull it to the next hole.And so on.