Started by Larry Perkins, March 23, 2011, 08:54:25 AM

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Larry Perkins

This will probably not be a popular editorial but since when did I worry about popular or stating MY OPINION?:D

I just learned yesterday that a good portion of our past members and a good portion of the web users are NOT DUES PAYING POG Members.  When you signed up for the use of the POG site you DID NOT automatically become a POG Member.  You have to pay Yearly dues to accomplish that.  For those dues you get a MEMBERSHIP CARD with a member number, the STILL KEEPING TRACK NEWSLETTER, SEVERAL GOOD FEEDS at VMD, and the RIGHT TO PROUDLY and TRUTHFULLY say I AM A POG MEMBER! It is not required to be a POG Member to use the POG site. Some Owner's Groups do require that but it was decided here long ago that to promote Penton it should be easy to use this site and Not be required.   However, if you choose not to become a member IT IS NOT RIGHT to say you are a POG member on here and get deals from people or even free parts, which often happens.  Much of the good the POG does in events and CC sponsorship COSTS money and it comes from dues which are cheap($20 a year).

So step up and ante up or just be a web user and DO NOT CLAIM to be a POG member. We will love you either way as you love Pentons.  However; if you love Pentons, the best way to promote them is to support the POG!

A few years ago I got really sick and was also bitter about a few things and let my POG membership expire.  When I returned to Mid-Ohio for VMD after not going a couple of years I re-upped my membership and paid the back 2 years so I am not without blame in being a lagger before myself.  Now I try and pay each year at VMD and I am proud to say I am a POG Member and my POG number is 345.

We ARE the PENTON OWNER'S GROUP-Are you part of us?

Larry P


I think your post is well stated and should be read and understood that most of us want to see POG go into the future and be a leading force in helping preserve The Penton Name and The Passion for the Sport.  I am happy to see the Sponsorship opportunities that the POG manages and the continued growth of the interest in Penton Sportscycles.

  Thanks for you post Larry.....and thanks to everyone that has made POG the Great Organization that it has been and will continue to be in the future.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Gordon Brennan

Quotequote:Originally posted by Larry Perkins

 and was also bitter about a few things Larry P

Larry? ...... bitter?? ...... No way :D



Larry,Good point.I just realized i'm one of those guys who is delinquent.I had paid for a couple years the last time i let it expire and that ran out last year i think.i wish there were a way to re-up online as i've gotten horrible at making time to mail things(or email for that matter)as you well know.Lately it's been work,eat,sleep,repeat and pay bills online or by phone.I'll dig up one of the green sheets and snailmail in 5 years dues,that way i can coast for a bit.Anyway,I admit i'm guilty.

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...

Rain Man

8 years for me in this group already !! wow where does the time go.
 I'm a firm believer in mandating together is better than being mandated against. I must be a dues payer in at least 7 dirtbike related clubs and ski doo clubs too.

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons


Good Point,,,, Actually I have been wondering about how I figure out if I am still current.  I think I'm good till 5/16/2011.  If not, let me know and send off a check ASAP!

The stuff I've learned from this forum is Priceless!

I like Ron's coments too!


72 six-day
79 KTM MC80 250
72 six-day
79 KTM MC80 250

Mike Leon

Larry, well said.  I'm somewhat new to the site but have found the members to be unbelievably helpful as I am rebuilding a 1974 Jackpiner with my daughter. I'm not so sure that it is rebuilding but more like resurrecting from the grave. :)   I have not claimed to be a POG member but will join so I can!  

Mike Leon

Steve Minor

Actually, I belive your membership expiration date is on the address label of your STILL KEEPING TRACK NEWSLETTER envelope. My memory often fails me so perhaps someone can chime in...

Quotequote:Originally posted by garrettccovington

Good Point,,,, Actually I have been wondering about how I figure out if I am still current.  I think I'm good till 5/16/2011.  If not, let me know and send off a check ASAP!

The stuff I've learned from this forum is Priceless!

I like Ron's coments too!


72 six-day
79 KTM MC80 250

Steve Minor
Wilmington, NC
Steve Minor

Larry Perkins

You are correct Steve, and on your membership card.

Larry P


I just joined this year, and did the 2 year so I would not have to worry about it for a while.  

Some other message boards and sites I belong to have your membership date/number and a special avatar distinguishing you from visitors.  Not sure who runs the board here, but that could be something to look into.  If I had more time I would gladly help with that.  With 3 young boys, a full time job, and a wife that always fine more projects for me around the house, I can't commit my self to something with the chance I would let someone down.

74 250 Hare scramble
68 Six Day
74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213

tooclose racing

Geez Larry...I just got my notice to re-up a couple of weeks ago.  How did you figure out it had moved to the bottom of the pile?

I'm on it!!

Bob Bean

Proud member #1096 and paid for 5 years !


1986 ISDE Italy
1987 ISDE Poland
1989 ISDE Germany

1973 Jackpiner 175
1974 Penton 250 Harescrambler
1976 Husky 250CR
1985 Husky 400WRX
1985 Husky 400WR
1986 ISDE Italy
1987 ISDE Poland
1989 ISDE Germany


member #805 and paid until 2014,

joined in 2005

Still....Keeping Track

Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]