Gods speed Jay

Started by thrownchain, May 29, 2011, 12:12:18 AM

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Mike Lenz

Wow, What do you say. I believe this life is a test and a way to prepare us for much more understanding in the next life. You connot truly know what utter happiness is unless you experiance utter sorrow. But, Man this would be so tuff. I just have to think you and your son will have a special reward in the next life for having to experiance this in this one. Your son and family are in our prayers.


Thanks all, the hardest thing I've had to do since my dad died is now over.

The hardest memory to get over is his wife, who had the terrible misfortune to have to witness the whole accident from just feet away, { it was the first time they had ridden seperate bikes together], and to hold him as he passed on. At the very end before they moved his body, she knelt next to him and put her head on his chest, {as if she was listening for his heartbeat] and said goodbye. It was the most heartwrenching scene I've ever had to see, and possibly the most heartwarming at the same time. Nobody rushed her and she had all the time she needed.............if someone had tried to stop her or speed her along, I definitely would have stepped in to make sure she got what she needed.

Take care son......we'll take care of your family as it should be, they are as much a part of us as you were, we'll make you proud.


We are  continuing to pray for you and your family. Especially your daugther in law and grandchildren. May God bless you all. Hank

Hank Rinehart
Hank Rinehart

Mike Burgess


Hang in there bud, We are all here for you. I've permanently added your family to our Church's prayer list.



I got the card today, thx guys, it'll go in the "memory chest" with the rest of the cards and letters we got. I'll put a note in it explaining the POG to the kids, and tell them about the friends that are part of the group. { Just in case I don't get to tell them}

Jeff D

We all mourn with you and your family, brother.  You've been the recipient of hundreds of prayers from people near and far, known to you and many unknown.  I hope our loving God grants you and your family strength and peace.

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Gavin Housh

Just read this post. I'm so sorry for you and your family. We will keep you and your family in our thoughts.


I just want to put out a public Thank You to all the people that have sent E mails, cards and donations. Jay's wife is a 3 time cancer surviver and all the stress from this whole thing has sapped her health somewhat, but she's getting better and we'll be sending out proper thank yous in the next couple of weeks. I'll be at Mid Ohio, so I look forward to seeing my friends there.


[V] 6 months ago yesterday. First holiday season with out him, I keep expecting the phone to ring and him on the other end telling me about something he thinks I need on craigslist.

Dwight Rudder

Hang in there. He would want you to.

Kelly Bland

Thoughts and prayers are being sent. The Leimbach family.


Thinking about you all and praying for you.

Hank Rinehart
Hank Rinehart

joe novak

Dan,  You have been fortunate to have had such a great relationship with your son.   I am sure that is what makes it more challenging for you and your family.   Hang in there.   Joe


Dan, In Feb. of this year I lost my father, Dad never said much but he was the kind of man that you could always count on. His love for me was never in question. As we enter into the holiday season I am becoming more aware of just how far away my family is. I wish it was possible for us to visit them this year but I know it is not. With Dad now gone, it becomes even more empty. I am thankful for the family I do have and the humble little home that is ours. A year ago even that was in question, with God's help we are hanging on. One of the things that helps me is to know that all the times I shared with my Dad I still have and everytime I struggle to know what to do, I can hear my Father saying "what do you think is the next thing to do" I will never loose that, He has given so much. I know that the loss of a father is not even close to loosing a Son, but I thought I would share so that you will know that others do understand, even it is not as deep. Just know that like many others, We continue to pray on your behalf. I have come to realize that family is more than those you grew up with, it is also those who stand by you in tough times. May the Lord bless and comfort you.

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
74'250 hare scrambler (project)
74' 1/2 440 maico
78' 440 maico
72' cr125 Husky (project)
93' RMx 250 suzuki

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W

Ernie Phillips

Dan,  I know its got to be difficult, but remember those great times together with Jay ...

"Recall it as often as you wish, a happy memory never wears out."

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN