carburetor jet size

Started by harrO, September 26, 2011, 04:09:04 PM

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What is the correct main jet size for my  '69 125 Penton/Sachs? It currently has a 130 main and prefers to run with the choke on.  Still experiencing what appears to be a fuel delivery/starvation  problem. Everything has been checked and double checked? The engine was rebuilt using the 1st over  Weisco piston. Jet needle is on 3rd position.  My machinist was very confident with the tolerance allowed. Thanks a ton. Harry O


Just a quick thought comes to mind. If you are using one of the modified jet needles which has a cut-away on one side then be sure it is installed correctly with the cut-away portion on the forward side of the carb closest to the engine.
Dave McCullough