PVR swapmeet ?

Started by thrownchain, October 24, 2011, 08:18:34 AM

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Any idea as to the date of this in 2012? If it's the end of Jan, it's 3 months away, like to start planning...... thx

Lew Mayer

They don't list a date yet. I'll check with one of the guys and get back to ya.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Bob Gilman

Setup Jan. 21st. 2012

Swapmeet Jan. 22nd. 2012

York PA.


PVR ever going to update their page? Swapmeet info would be nice....

Paul Danik

PVR has updated their information.  Just scroll down on their home page for the swapmeet info.




Thx Paul, already planning for the trip.


Downloaded the swapmeet form and thought I had the dates wrong, turns out the form is still from last years. Tried to contact the online contact person to give them a heads up and it came back as none deliverable. Trying to find out if I fill in last years form and mail it? or are they going to update the form?  thx

dennis foley

dan, ahrma north atlantics website shows jan 22.