POG Family Night meeting

Started by Paul Danik, November 28, 2011, 06:11:43 PM

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Paul Danik


   The December POG meeting is always our Family Night.  Thursday December 1st. we will meet at the KTM building, Amherst, Ohio, at 7pm.  After a brief business meeting we will have an evening of fellowship and remembrance.  Light snacks and soft drinks will be served.

   Hope to see you there, as always, you do not have to be a POG member to attend.


Al Martin

I missed the last meeting. Was wondering if we are having pizza again this year or if we are just having snacks and desserts.


Paul Danik


   We will be ordering some pizza.


Al Martin

My wife and i are looking forward to a nice evening!
See you there!


joe novak

I just baked oatmeal/raisin cookies for the party.  I need to hide them from Jordan and Jessica.    joe

Gary Roach

Gary & I were planning on making it this year, and I was really looking forward to seeing my POG family, but...I have to work tonight and could not take it off.(Busy time of year at the police dept) I am looking forward to seeing every one at the Packard Museum in the spring, think it will be a great time! Although, I am concerned that Gary won't know it is our wedding anniversary if we aren't at the AMA museum in Feb. Hope everyone has a great time tonight, sorry we won't be there.
Toni [:X]