Keeping Track

Started by chkitout, December 17, 2000, 01:06:34 AM

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I am just curious if any one else has any copies of Keeping Track I have only the March and April 1973 issues. The March issue has a good tech article about caruretion and I am sure other issues might have other good tech tips which might be useful today. I will be happy to share any info in these two issues if anyone is interested.



Larry Perkins

There was a whole collection of Keeping Track that sold on EBay not long ago.  Does anyone know who bought them?  There are probably some good info that we could all gain something from in reprint.  Let us find this person and convince them.  Anybody up for a hunt?



Kip Kern

I own several original "Keep'em Winning" for dealers only.  These had dealer info in them that pertained to Penton bikes and products.  I have issues dating from April "71" to July "73" but I am missing a few in between.  Possibly, with Mr Penton's approval, we can reproduce an entire set of the dealer "Keep'em Winning" and the customer "Keeping Track" for POG members.


Larry Perkins

That would be super Kip.  There would definitely be info there that would help us all.  How can we go about making this happen?


Doug Wilford

The reprinted Keeping Tracks, sounds like a good idea.   My thoughts are we may be able to post one article a month (or simular) on this site.  That is if the POG Member that bought that set would be willing to send us from the service dept tech tips articles once each month.    It could be made into it's own page.  The object of our site is to always improve and make it more interesting and informative for our visitors and POG Members.   You might say we are trying to operate with the same phylosophy as we did at Penton Imports.   Your ideas and creativness is what will make this the best site for the Penton enthusiast.


Mark Annan

Doug and Larry,  I agree completely.  Come on fellow POG members it's up to us to make this work.  Also, anyone interested in the ISDT as it was in the past should check out Vinduro.  There is alot of interesting stuff (info, storys, people, jokes ) that goes on there.  

Regards, Mark Annan  [email protected]


Steve Tanzella

Hey guys I am the one your looking for. I purchased the 19 issues on e-bay and have no problem sharing them with the club. If larry or doug want to contact me we can try to set this up. Steve


Mark Annan



Larry Perkins

Thanks Steve for stepping forward.  I will e-mail you and let you know the plan that Kip has in making this happen with John's permission.