Help, it's actually my metering rod that's stuck!

Started by MonkeyBoy, May 03, 2002, 04:39:51 PM

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After a little research and a diagram on the Lectron fuel systems home page (  I now know exactly how to describe my problem.  Unfortunately their link to e-mail was not set up yet so I'm asking if anyone has a clue what to do.  The metering rod is somehow lodged (with the throttle closed), this causing the slide not to move, and I've no idea what to do.  I cannot figure out how to remove the slide from the rod or how to remove both together.  Does anyone have any suggestions?



I would suggest taking the float bowl off and spraying carb cleaner on the metering rod and let it soak.  Maybe it will soften the varnish and it will come apart.  May take awhile.



Thanks for all the help.  After a long weekend of work I finally got the slide/rod unstuck.  I continued to soak the slide and rod port and tapped lightly over two or three days increasing pressure each day.  Finally it came out.  The rod had buildup that cleaned off fairly easily and now it seems to work fine.  Thanks for the reply!