Thank you, Two Wheel Power Hour

Started by Paul Danik, April 12, 2012, 07:53:25 AM

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Paul Danik

A couple of weeks ago after giving a Saturday morning presentation at the National Packard Museum, two gentlemen that were in attendance came up and introduced themselves as Larry Ward and Roy Dyckman of the Two Wheel Power Hour motorcycle radio show that broadcasts out of Youngstown, Ohio on 570 WKBN.  After a bit of discussion, they indicated that they would like to devote a show to discussing the Penton motorcycle and the Penton Owners Group and asked if I would be willing to come to their studio to do so, I agreed and we did the show this past Tuesday.

   The shows are done live but they record them for future listening, if any of you care to hear the show just click on this link, then click on PLAY.

    Larry and Roy hope to attend the POG meeting at the National Packard Museum this Saturday, they are great guys and maybe some of you folks already know them or have heard their show in the past.  In the winter they sometimes show a movie after their show in the meeting room at the radio station and invite listeners to come and enjoy the evening.

   Next winter they want to do a movie night and show an ISDT related movie and invite you POG and Penton folks to attend, who knows, maybe we could have a POG meeting on a Tuesday night at the radio station while they are doing the show and watch a movie together afterwards....

  To Larry and Roy, thank you not only for helping the Penton Owners Group for fill our mission, but also for all you do for motorcycling and motorcyclists everywhere with your great show :D



Paul, I listened the show "live". I thought that the guys did a great job interviewing. It was obvious that they were familiar with what it takes to be a Six Days rider.
You are also a great spokesman and ambassador to the Penton motorcycle community. POG is lucky to have such a knowledgable, passionate President to represent them.
Although the signal was a little weak and static filled coming from Youngstown it was great listening to someone and something you know live on the radio.
Good Job

Conrad Pfeifer
of Mars PA, Home of The Paul Danik Presidential Library
Conrad Pfeifer
of Mars PA, Home of The Paul Danik Presidential Library


Well done Paul...!   Looking forward to catching up with you and the POG at this year's VMD in Mid-Ohio.

Stephen Markley

Mark P

I listened to the interview driving across AR on I-30 on my Blackberry. It was a good job!