"Kidney" riding belts and are they helpful?

Started by Mark P, May 18, 2012, 08:42:30 AM

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Mark P

Well, I did a search on this topic and found nothing so I thought I'd'start a topic. I've never used one of the kidney belts riding but have been thinking that perhaps they may assist with fatigue on longer DS rides, particularly rides that have longer paved "in the seat" stretches. I dont have any lower back, core issues etc riding now and while the belts arent't expensive, ask members for their insights on wearing them? Do they help? Do you feel less fatigue, etc?


I have been riding for 40 plus years and i use a kidney belt when riding and racing i do not know if the work or not but the idea sounds good to me i have been a truck drive most of my life and the truck seats beats my back and kidney up, i have 2 kidney stones the size of my little finger and i hope by using the belt they do not move or i will be in some pain trying to pass the stones that big.

G Ellis

I have been using them for over 30yrs. Would not ride without one. I still have an old Golden Belt. Use a Six-Six now. I think they work...

brian kirby

This is a topic I've thought about a lot myself. When I was a kid I always wore one, heck, at that time everyone wore one. When I didnt wear one I really felt it even as a little kid. Today I never wear one and even after a day on a short travel Vintage bike I dont feel any problems. Maybe today's shocks are that much better? I have no idea, I can guarantee you my body is not in better condition than it was 30 years ago. Probably has something to do with back then I was riding 100+ mile enduros and today we ride 30 miles tops a day at the Vintage ISDT races, if we rode a full 100 miles I'd probably need one.



Used to wear one, never helped much that I could tell.  I kinda thought it restricted my breathing a bit.

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

Jeff D

Have used Gold Line for 40 some years.  Kind of like a helmet...don't ride without it.

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Mike OReilly

I agree with Brian.
Used to use one many years ago. Haven't for a long time now, and don't feel any the worse. I also always found them uncomfortable and effected breathing.
I would say you will have to experiment yourself and see if you feel any improvement or drawbacks.
My 2 cents worth.


Biggest advantage I have seen is it keeps the spare tire in so you can look slim and trim.

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good


Here is my little story on the belts:

Back in the early/mid 70's in Jr High, we would ride out at Kansas City International Raceway park (dragstrip with an MX park out back) on Saturday's.  Pretty much stay all day until one of the parents would come pick us up.

One Saturday, I could not go more than three or four laps without having to stop in terrible pain.  Felt like my guts were going to come out my back.  Had all my usual gear on, jeans, linemans boots, leather gloves, old football jersey, goggles, helmet, etc, but the pain almost brought me to tears each time.

I thought I had hurt myself bad somehow and was getting a little worried.  Finally an older (high school kid) neighbor who we constantly borrowed tools from, and who rode the big bore bikes (a 250) asked why I wasnt riding, I explained it to him and he simply asked were my kidney belt was.  

Until that time, I never even considered using a belt, didnt think it was necessary. I had read about them, seen them advertised in the MX magazines but never gave them a seconds thought.

That summer I had also had a growth spurt and went from 5 foot nothing to 6'-2", which probably  had something to do with generating the pain with my kidneys bouncing around in all that new space.

He loaned me his for a test and I rode for a good 40 minutes or so before coming back in without any pain.  Surprised the heck out of me, and I was truly relieved that I wasn't hurt somehow.  Borrowed belts from two or three different guys for the rest of the day so I could at least keep riding.

I had to wait until the following Tuesday to run down to Raytown Cycle (Mike Harper's place on Raytown Road) and the House of Kawasaki at Blue Ridge Blvd and 71 Hwy in Grandview to see what they had and buy a belt.

To this day, I wont get on an MX bike without a belt, just the memory of that pain keeps me in the belt.



I bought one back when I was racing in the SoCal desert.
Wore it a few times play riding and thought the buckles looked cool.
The next time I raced I was wearing it and after about 10 miles I felt like I couldn't breathe.
I realized later I could have loosened it, but not having any place to carry it and due to a lack of oxygen (I guess my brain wasn't working), I tossed it in the bushes.


I am sure that several guys are not going to like what I have to say but here goes anyway. Several years ago I got a handle bar in side. It was so bad that I went and had it checked out right away. I left my bike and all my gear and my wife drove me to the hospital. What saved me was the equipment I was wearing.. The doctor told me it is what saved my spline. I had a huge bruise for a few weeks and I could not sleep on that side but then I did not loose any organs that day. Gentlemen we have organs in our body that are not designed to handle the kind of juggling that they endure when riding a bike on rough ground. Telling our selves that we can not feel the difference after we have ridden does not mean that we have not caused damage. How many times has my doctor told me to be more careful how I pick things up. Before I know it, my back is out. I picked some thing up the wrong way and I felt nothing, I did it a few more times and I thought it was no big deal and then the next day or two and my back out, it may even take a few weeks but eventually I am in so much pain I can hardly move. Damage can happen not just all at once but over a long period of time.
Do I wear a kidney belt, yes it is built into the "pressure suit" I wear. When the days get hot it is not much fun but I wear it anyway. To keep cooler I take a hankerchief and wear it around my neck, I keep it soaked and when I get off my bike another one goes on my head, again soaked. it does not look very "cool" but better that than heat stroke or a damaged spline or kidney. If it is cutting off your breathing loosen it up a little.  Everytime I put that thing on I remember I need to loose some weight. I plan to keep riding well into my 80's but to do that, I need to smart about it now.

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
74'250 hare scrambler (project)
74' 1/2 440 maico
78' 440 maico
72' cr125 Husky (project)
93' RMx 250 suzuki

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W

[email protected]

I have always wore since Roger Decoster got hurt and he said a kidney belt would have saved him!

Mark P

Thanks all for the insight and advice. Im going to try them. I ordered the Alpinstars Saturn and their "touring" belt to try.  I'll post my impressions as a belt "newbie".