PFO Closure tomorrow

Started by fasmith, June 27, 2012, 09:21:56 AM

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As I posted back in the winter - I had two TIAs - and the finding was that I have a birth defect called a PFO in my heart -basically a hole between the upper two chambers and a ASA - an atrial septal aneurysm in the heart also.  I will finally will be having the procedure performed to close the hole in the heart and kinda patch the aneurysm tomorrow morning.  I'm looking forward to it...  I'll be in the hospital for a couple of days then at home for 10 days before being turned back loose.  I will be getting off the warfarin... thank goodness..that stuff is nasty.  I had to dress like the Michelin Man every time I went riding and even then bruises would be places you never thought you could get bruised in.  Doctor says in three to six months I can consider myself all good again.


Congratulations, happy to hear your heart problems will be resolved.

I will follow up with a prayer just in case.  All of us can use all the prayers we can get.



that is really good new, I will be praying for you tomorrow that all goes well.. I spent the day in the ugent care ward on monday, don't want to do that again. all is well now, mostly due to prayer. So I feel like me praying you is a good idea.

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
74'250 hare scrambler (project)
74' 1/2 440 maico
78' 440 maico
72' cr125 Husky (project)
93' RMx 250 suzuki

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W


Follow-up -

The PFO was closed successfully and the atrial aneurysm was also corrected successfully. I now have two pieces  of  titanium in my heart.   Procedure was performed in an hour and a half.  Recovery was a little difficult as the vein that the camera was inserted into - the bleeding was difficult to get stopped - took about 4 hours extra - the other vein was under control in 15 minues.   lots of bruising...  looks like I tried that stunt thing where you jump over a motorcycle as it comes at you at speed....except I forgot to jump and the bars caught me ...just ...right.  But a week later ... I am finally allowed to move about and get out the house.  The doctor - says in 3 to 6 months..  more like three months.. I will have another TEE procedure to check the occluder device and make sure it is staying in place and the heart muscle is growing over it. After that ...  I will be cleared for full activity...  riding again.....still can't ever scuba dive... which was on the bucket list...but I think I can get by without doing that.  I will also not have  to take any more drugs - I am off warfarin and on plavix now and  will only have to take that for three months and  then only have to take a aspirin daily after that.  I will so glad to be off the anti-clotting drugs.  

One thing I have learned  - do not ignore any messages that your  body sends you - as don't ignore signs that there is something wrong with your  heart, arteries, etc.  I ignored  the first TIA, it was the second one that caught my attention..and if I had ignored that one - well...  who knows.  But...  in the end - I didn't and my issue was fixed and I can resume a more-than-normal active life.  In the next year ... I am looking forward  to now being able to attend a lot of the events that you guys go to.  So..if something doesn't feel right - don't ignore it... see your doctor.  Might save your life.


That is great news,  I say amen to your advise to listen to what your body is telling you.  After  my little situation, I can see now that my bodies be trying to tell me..for a long time. I am feeling alot better these days because I made some changes in diet. when I was young, it did matter much what I ate, it never seemed to effect me, but now, now it matters. I have to say I am shocked how much it matters now.
Any one else out thee, if you are feeling sluggish, sleep is not restful and you are having trouble getting motivated to do some of the things you know you love to do, Get it checked out.
If you are over 50 get your blood pressure checked often, I check mine twice a day now. Once I get my blood pressure back where it needs to be, I will probably only check my blood pressure once a week but never again will I take it for granted. It is called the silent killer for a reason.. Fasmith, I will continue to pray for you as you recover.. whay to go buddy!

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
74'250 hare scrambler (project)
74' 1/2 440 maico
78' 440 maico
72' cr125 Husky (project)
93' RMx 250 suzuki

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W