Mid Ohio MX

Started by Mick Milakovic, July 23, 2012, 09:37:43 AM

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Mick Milakovic

Hi All,

Racing is not the main reason we go to Vintage Motorcycle days, it's the people and Pentonville.  Racing is just a cool thing to do while we're there!  That being said, I want to thank a couple of people for what happened at the MX Sunday.

Jarrin's MC5-175 loaded up right before practice and wouldn't start.  Remember being 17 and having something important to you go sour?  Yea, teenagers don't react real well.  Well, Gary Ellis stepped in and offered my son his 125 KTM to ride.  To make a long story short, Jarrin beat 9 other riders and won his class.  Thanks to Gary, Jarrin has  #1 plate hanging on his wall and a memory from the "Good Old Days".  Paul Danik and I had a great conversation Saturday about our good old days, and how these days are the new generations good old days.  

Also, Dave Withrow stepped up and helped me through a tough spot at the Ross Road gate on Thursday night.  Thanks Dave!  These are just a couple of examples of why I love the Penton Owners Group and will always ride the brand.  At Saturday's dinner, JP talked about a trip that he and Jack took out west to a KTM event, but all John wanted to talk about was family and friends.  He may be 87 now, but he still knows whats important.

Thanks guys, you may be friends, but you're more like family!


Rob Thatcher

I agree with you, POG is very much a family. Chicago Jerry helped me and then when it didn't work right, lent me his bike. My son, Cole, went to his first VMD and really enjoyed it.  Thanks everyone