Barber Vintage Fest

Started by scott brogan, August 03, 2012, 10:33:31 PM

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scott brogan

Hello  All.    At the last meeting we talked about Barber vintage fest and possibly doing a display this year.  Just putting this idea out to see if any penton folks that are going,might be able to help out?  Maybe bring a bike or two, maybe spend some time helping man the booth.  I don't see us doing a large display as mid-ohio.

So let us know on this thread and we'll see where it goes.

Thanks All.

Scott B.  

Dwight Rudder

I hope to be there Friday for the swap meet and Saturday for the Vintage Cross Country on my 73 Jackpiner.  I will be checking out Saturday afternoon to attend a SERA Modern H/S on my Husky for Sunday about 30 miles away. My wife is President of the SERA.


I'll be back at Barber this year.  It was my first AHRMA race every last year.  I plan on CC and MX with the 250 so don't know how much I'd be able to help out at the booth, but I sure will stop by and say hi.

74 250 Hare scramble
68 Six Day
74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213


Not sure if I'll make it this year or not, last year was my first time and had a blast, but if I go this year it will only be for one day possibly two. Have to see how finances stack up.