Penton Film Project relaunch next week...

Started by mxfiles, November 01, 2012, 03:08:56 PM

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Hi Penton Peeps,

I wanted to give you all a heads up that next week the film project will be relaunched on I've included a post we made on the site to the previous project backers so we can come out of the gate running!

We'll get you all the link for the new project when it is ready.

Thank you for the continued support...We'll get it done.



Dear Previous Penton Project Backers,

We wanted to let you know that we will be relaunching the "The John Penton Story" campaign here on again next week and we need your early help to show big momentum early on.

While we didn't make the goal last time, we succeeded in building a lot of great awareness for the project and some invaluable media clips that we will use this time. A couple of notable changes we think will insure success:

1) Smaller amount to be raised. We lowered the total to $150,000 (from $275,000) to cover production costs, Kickstarter/Amazon fees and Reward Fulfillment. The post-production costs will be covered by industry sponsorships and deferred fees on freelance and staff after the film is completed.

2) Longer Campaign at 60 days - A lot of folks thought we should have had more time in the last campaign so we pushed it out to the max. This should allow all of us to reach out to as many folks as we can who have the ability to contribute. It also puts the project ending after the holidays which some creative folks could use rewards (coming later) as great, thoughtful Christmas gifts for the that motorcycle/John Penton fan in the house.

With a successful new campaign, we can get started on the film right away and be ready for a premiere by mid 2014 or sooner. If we can come "out of the gate" (pun intended) with the $75,000 we got for the last campaign it will show tremendous momentum for the rest of the 60 days being halfway there right from the start!

We'll need a lot of "Evangelists" all over the country and world who are influencers in motorcycle shops, clubs, racetracks, Facebook Groups, even social circles to get the word out and keep pushing...since we should all be familiar with election campaigns by now this will be the same type of cause but for one candidate that all sides will support...John Penton.

We have only lost 6 mos on a project that has been over 45 years in the making and will stand the test of time.

Stay tuned for the release next week and thank you for the past and future support.

Kindest regards,

Todd Huffman, Producer


Thanks for the heads up.  Keep us posted and I'll get this back out to everyone I know and asked for their support.  Skip

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