Penton Archives for Film

Started by mxfiles, January 16, 2013, 12:46:46 PM

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Good morning!

Paul thought I should post here about what to do with archival materials for the film...For now...nothing..other than finding and keeping in a safe place where you know where they are. We'll be looking for:

1) Old photographs of John, the family, and others involved with stories

2) Home movies, 8mm, Super 8, 16mm, VHS transfers of old movies, DVD's etc. We love stuff where just an enthusiast would be shooting the Jack Pine or other enduros, etc. Doesn't have to be Hollywood quality. Racing, riding, in the pits, etc.

3) Magazine and newspaper articles on John, the Pentons, Bikes, etc.

4) Technical manuals, drawings, etc.

5) Race coverage videos and old news reels of races, events, enduros, ISDTs, etc.

We won't actually be needing anything for several months but we can start processing materials we know we will want to use as well as seeing what we have to re-create.

We will set up a special email and other system for sending in questions, digital files (photos, etc) as well as physical photos and such that we will scan and send back to everyone.

We have a great track record after all the TV shows and movies about getting materials back to people. We use FedEx and they a very reliable way to transport important materials.

It will be nice to have a research team on the movie made up of 400+ POGGERS. Phew!


Thanks everyone!


Mick Milakovic

Bob, the guy being passed in the creek in the third picture, his expression is priceless!  Also, it looks like Leroy Winters in the first picture with John?


Mickey Sergeant

I have alot of movies for the project.My dad rode many enduro's with the Penton's.Some of you in the midwest may remember my dad,Jerry Sergeant.He rode alot with Wayne Taber of Taber cycle sales, Moline Illinois,now known as The fun mart.One of the largest KTM dealers.I will start going through them and see if my dad has any more movies stashed away.


Mick, I believe that IS Leroy!  Son of a gun.  I didn't even notice until you pointed it out.  Looks like he's taking the "high road" in that picture.  

You know the old saying about "aiming for spectators" to get through the nastiest sections?  It's because they always stand on the most firm ground.  

And of course, NEVER, EVER go where spectators point - especially if they're pointing with one hand and holding a can of beer with the other!


the 2nd photo looks like South Jersey swamps,

poss. Sandy Lane or Curley Fern ??

Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]

Mick Milakovic

I'll bet Leroy was thinking "I gonna get him!"


Kevin Grimes

The photo of J.P. and Leroy Winters is at the 1968 Berkshire Trial. I can't really make out an expression on Leroy's face since he is wearing a bandana with one of those Tiparillos clinched in his teeth, but I'm sure there was no suprise to see each other on the trail as they finished first and second for the event. Leroy was the only one to finish the event with perfect score of 300 bonus points, J.P. had 291. Mr. Penton was they only one to finish with 0 trail marks lost and was awarded the overall win, Leroy lost 3 points. Out of the 241 starters only 46 finished Sunday afternoon. As a side note, Leroy's tool box was off of a Honda 160.



Sorry for the delayed response.  You may be aware that for some years now POG has been videotaping and archiving Penton-related events, with particular emphasis on gathering interviews and footage of JP.  I am the individual who shot most-all of the videos, and am in possession of the tapes.

Per authorization by the President of POG we offer access to this material for your use.  

I will pm you with my personal contact information, should you wish to discuss utilizing the material.


Thanks Ted! I got your email but have been out.

Question for you loggers...Below is a link for the video on 1965 ISDT at Isle of Man

Is that JP at 02:05 in?

