York swapmeet..

Started by Paul Danik, January 21, 2013, 10:53:27 AM

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Paul Danik

The York, Pa swapmeet this past weekend exceeded all past events by a great margin.  The first hall was filled to capacity and the second connected hall was about 1/2 filled, not counting the machines displayed for the auction, and this place is BIG....

Filling the location with vendors is only part of the equation, the buyers or attendees are equally or more important, and let me tell you they came in groves and seemed to be there the entire time.  It appeared that lots of items changed hands.

Maybe someone with more knowledge of the auction can provide some details, actually there were two auctions. I do know that for the portion of the bike auction that I witnessed there was quite a large crowd and there were no give aways, with the opposite seeming like more of the rule for the day. I do know that several folks commented that it is unusual to see one twin pipe CZ, let alone three of them, up for auction at one time.

Hats off to the PVR for a finely run event, and a big thanks also to Wlll Stoner who originally started this event many years ago.

Besides being a fantastic swapmeet, this event is more and more like a family reunion for the vintage motorcycling community in quite a few of the adjoining states, and some not so adjoining :)



Paul, this was the best York Swap Meet & Auction ever.  The drving force behind the Auction addition this year is Allen Brown, owner of NW Macio & CZ, LLC.  He also managed the increased vendor participation this year.

He worked his butt off to get this years event a rousing success.  Wait until next year.  Great job Allen!



Yep another great day at York. Weather was outstanding for Jan 20th. Lots of people and parts. Some of the people I talked to said money was being spent this year which it wasn't as readily as last year. Lots of parts and bikes, almost enuff to cover any ones needs. I look forward to next year, may go back as a vendor. [8D]

Kip Kern

To caveat off a great event, Rik Smits is having another Swap in Lebanon Indiana, March 17th! Bring your vintage goodies to sell, should be another great event like the last one:D

Lew Mayer

York is always a great time to get together with all our motorcycling buddies in the middle of winter(?). Lots of fun even if you don't buy a thing.:D

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Missed it this year but will not next year.


Ditto to all.  Here's some pictures.  Sorry, no Pentons.  Hope you enjoy 'em anyway.  







York was a great event this year.
More vendors, more attendees, and an Auction put on by POG member Steve Dance. WOW!  [:p]
Ted- thanks for posting the photos of Kawasaki's. I was so busy that I didn't get a chance to get around and see everything. I saw you a couple of time, but we didn't get a chance to talk. Almost didn't get any lunch. Every time I went over to the food vendor there was a 15 minute line of people waiting. On the third attempt I only had to wait about 10 minutes.

I managed to arrive at around 3:30 on Saturday to set up. I took a quick run over to the parts auction. Most of the items were already gone (it started at 2). There were still a fair amount of misc. things up for grabs and there was a good crowd bidding on alloy rims and wheel assemblies. I returned later, just as the auction ended. There were piles of things here and there on the floor from the bargains that some of the buyers snapped up. All and all a good addition to the event.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner