Spring meeting?

Started by thrownchain, January 31, 2013, 10:44:02 PM

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Any word on where the annual "spring" meeting will be held this year? The meeting last year in Warren, OH was a good time.

Paul Danik


   We are currently working on getting our "ducks in a row" to have a spring meeting in Amherst. No exact date has yet to be selected, but nice weather will deeply enhance what we hope to do.  A month or possibly two prior notice will be provided.  Rest assured that just as soon as we have the date firmed up we will announce it as we want as many folks to be able to attend as possible. This will be a Saturday meeting.

   Your comment, "the meeting last year in Warren, OH was a good one", is very much appreciated by all involved.

   Al Born always loved to tell of the time he took Gunnar to a local mudrun many years ago and all of the crazy things that happened that day. At last years meeting it was great to see Al and Gunnar re-connect, sometimes I think there is a much greater plan to some of our get-togethers than us mortals could ever envision.






The Warren meeting last year was the last time I saw Al.