Barber '13 pictures

Started by brian kirby, October 29, 2013, 01:07:59 PM

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brian kirby

Link to Mom's pictures from Barber.

MX are uploading and should have a link for them tonight.


Rob Thatcher

The pictures came out great.  The trails look great too, so I guess Barber is now on the list for next year.

Lew Mayer

Met your Grandmom down there, Brian. Seemed like a very nice lady.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Those pictures are great!  Thanks for posting.  I've never "raced" with spectators before.  There were lots of cameras going off out there.  That was a lot of fun down there.  I had a blast this season in general. Can't wait to get my six days going so I can put my "cheater" bike away.  

Thanks again!

tooclose racing

Geezus, Brian -  never looked at results. How fast were you a 250?!?

Nice pictures. Thanks. I have to figure out a way to get down there.  

Lou - I do dishes and take out the trash.  Got room? :)

brian kirby

Not fast enough. I got bad starts and had to work my way forward both motos. I went 4-3 for 4th in class, but in the second moto another 2 turns and I would have had 2nd which would have gotten me 4-2 for 2nd in class. Better starts and I would have had a shot at the win.



Brian you go very fast from what I saw.  I think you are lapping me in one of the pictures where 2 Penton's are in the frame at the same time.

74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213
74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213

brian kirby

I do OK, but its all relative. That day there were several guys a good bit faster than me.


tooclose racing

And thus one of the conundrums of AHRMA racing (or the AMA VGNC at mid-Ohio).  You ARE a fast guy Brian, but - at least in the Expert class - there can be a wide range of fast on any given day, depending on who shows up to race.  Same can be true in Intermediate, but usually not so "wide" a range of talent

BTW - is that Dwight Rudder on the Ossa SDR in the XC race? Cool.

brian kirby

I have beaten everyone in that race in the past except for 921 on the Kawasaki, he is a 33yr old ex pro from Louisiana. He had bike issues, so I beat him, but not in a straight up race.
