April POG meeting

Started by Paul Danik, March 31, 2014, 07:30:03 AM

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Paul Danik

The April POG meeting will be held this Thursday, April 3rd. at the KTM building Amherst, Ohio, starting at 7 pm.  

  As always, POG membership is not required to attend.

Hope to see you there,

Paul Danik

A BIG thanks to the almost 30 folks who attended last nights POG meeting on a rainy dreary night in Amherst, Ohio.

 John and Jack are out west and were not in attendance, but that didn't stop the flow of some interesting historical information during the meeting. Larry Maiers and Matt Weisman led a nice impromptu discussion of the philosophy of the Penton organization "back in the day" as well as providing some interesting insight it-to several other interesting topics. I believe we had 5 or 6 folks in the room who worked for Penton Imports "back in the day", as well as at least 4 current KTM employees with a keen interest in the history of their orange machines.

 As always, a Big POG thanks to KTM for allowing us to use their meeting room for our gathering. The KTM themed decor sure goes a long way to set the mood for our meetings :) Thanks also the Mike Rosso for his constant help and support.

  The next meeting will take place at KTM on Thursday May 1st, starting at 7 pm. Mark your calendar and join in the fun! Getting to sit with the folks who made it all happen and listening to their stories is always a special treat, sure we handle POG business, but the stories....:D
