Endorsement: PENTON: The John Penton Story

Started by BlueRidgePathfinder, June 27, 2014, 01:29:41 PM

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Last night in Charlotte, North Carolina, 106 fellow motorcycle addicts and I spent 135 of the best minutes of our lives enjoying the new motion picture PENTON-The John Penton Story.

It is an epic film, exceeding all of my expectations. Pipeline Digital Media (Todd Huffman and Donald P. Hoffman) have created a timeless masterpiece, akin to a cross between The World's Fastest Indian and On Any Sunday, which stirred unexpected emotions in me, bringing back many a fond memory.

Do yourself a favor, see PENTON: The John Penton Story.

Better yet, do as I did, host a screening by becoming a Gathr Films Movie Captain. Just go to: http://pentonmovie.com/host-a-screening/

You will find it a very rewarding experience.

Happy trails,

Al "Lumberjack" Roof


Thanks for posting this endorsement. For those of you who have not yet seen this movie, TRUST US, you will be WOWed!  [:0]

This is a movie for everyone to see - your family members, your friends, all the KTM riders who don't even know what a Penton motorcycle is, all dirt bike riders, all motorcycle riders.

The only way that they are going to have the opportunity to see this movie is for everyone one of us to take the initiative to be a "Captain" and obtain a screening date at your local theater. Call, e-mail, twitter, everyone you know and encourage them to buy a tickets.
Stop in and talk to your local KTM dealer. See if you can get them to buy a couple dozen tickets or more to hand out to their customers who purchased a KTM from them this year. This is a great marketing opportunity for all KTM dealers. Once their KTM customers see this movie they will become loyal KTM customers for life - meaning they will tell their friends about why they ride KTMs. The best form of advertising is from "word of mouth".

I see no reason for this movie not having the opportunity to be shown anywhere in this country. It is up to us to take the initiative and put the extra effort into making it happen.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner


Right you are Alan.  Right you are.

Anyone can become a Gathr Films Movie Captain and bring PENTON: The John Penton Story to a theater in their area.

I did the preliminary work on the Charlotte screening while recuperating from total hip replacement surgery.

I would be more than happy to give others advice while promoting their screening.

Al "Lumberjack" Roof

tooclose racing

Maybe it was already posted somewhere else on the site, but Al B informed me last week that they are going to show The John Penton Story on Saturday Night at Vintage Motorcycle Days (somewhere on the Mid-Ohio grounds).  Only bummer is that I LOVE watching the Flat Track on Saturday night. It's one of the reasons I stay in Ashland.  Might need to make an exception this year!

REV. 1  - it IS already posted on site. Duh!!!
