Wheels Interchangeable ?

Started by 3putt, July 05, 2014, 01:37:15 PM

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I am in the market for wheels and wanting to know if Steel Tanker Wheels and early CMF Six Day Wheels 72/73 are interchangeable if the proper brake plates are used for the application?   When I have had them off, I never had a need to know, and don't wish to remove them now to determine that.  Need to know FOR SURE !!   Thanks,   W Nelson McCullough

Kip Kern

Nelson, they sure are,  all 100, 125, 175 fronts will interchange up to 73.  The 100, 125 rears will interchange up to 73. All magnesium fronts will interchange up to 75 and the magnesium rears will do the same.  The 73 Piner rear hub is tricky in 73 as it was a 530 chain drive but the sprocket carrier is thicker on that year. Hope this helps.


Hi Kip,  It is a BIG HELP !   Thank You for the prompt reply.  Regards,   Nelson