Dane Leimbach would have turned 63 today.

Started by Paul Danik, September 18, 2014, 10:46:32 PM

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Paul Danik

On September 18th. 1951 Dane Leimbach was born, hard to believe that the farm boy turned Penton racer, mechanic extraordinaire, would have turned 63 today.

At the last POG meeting we got to telling a few stories, one pertained to Dane and possibly you folks will enjoy it as much as the folks at the meeting did. I am sure some of you "old timers" may have heard this one before.

Dane was at the wheel of the Cycleliner when we arrived at the headquarters hotel in Barstow, CA for the two day ISDT Qualifier, it was either 1973 or 74. The paved parking area was quite large, Dane swung the Cycleliner into position and started to back towards his desired position. As Dane backed up he constantly swung his view from left to right, constantly checking his mirrors to be sure he was centered between the lines.

Suddenly there was a thud and the bus instantly stopped and several items fell to the floor, Dane had a very bewildered look on his face as he applied the parking brake. In an instant Dane had the door open and scurried out and made his way to the back of the bus with all of us in tow. Turned out there was a light pole with a cement base that was not visible in the mirrors and the bus didn't have a rear window.

As we all looked at each other and commented on the incident, Dane pulled his ever present tape measure from his belt and did a quick measurement of the dent in the bumper, "dead center" he proudly announced to us all, and with that we all burst into laughter...

At the meeting one of the folks commented on Dane having a tape measure with him, Jack quickly commented on how Dane was a "MacGyver", always able to accomplish what seemed like an insurmountable problem with his ever present Swiss Army knife and assorted other unique tools that he always carried. Perhaps Dane's greatest tool was his ability to analyze and mentally solve mechanical issues that would leave many others bewildered.  

Dane may be gone, but he will always be remembered.


Steve Minor

Dane was one of the nicest guys I've ever me. At one of the Zink Ranch ISDT-RR rides he took time to help me sort out my Motoplat and he didn't know me from Adam's house cat....Very classy guy!

Steve Minor

brian kirby

The high point of my vintage racing to this point.

Notice the pouch on his belt for the aforementioned tools. :)


paul a. busick

There is not a time that I walk into the Penton PVL shop that the memory  of Dane does not flash before me.  Dane was the go to guy if you had a problem with your bike or needed a piece of history confirmed.  I (we) miss him very much.  He was my friend.  Paul