Buehner's Reputation

Started by Steve Talbott, July 23, 2002, 06:17:42 PM

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Steve Talbott

I've just received another shipment from Al, it's so nice to deal with a guy that is interested in what your needs are. He has always delt with me in a professional manner and has been prompt with delivery. All who have needs in the Penton area must seek him first. Steve Talbott

Steve Talbott
Steve Talbott

Mike Lenz

Kip Kern

Not only is Al a great Penton parts person to deal with, but he and his brother Dale are great hosts at the annual Mid Ohio POG meeting/banquet.  Thanks again for the hard work and great food!


Mark Annan

I also want to say thanks to Al and Dale for the dinner at the Mid-Ohio POG meeting.  It is always a highlight of the weekend.



Larry Perkins

Al has done alot of great things for POG.  He has always been very fair to me and has sold me alot of parts and we have traded alot of parts and still do.  I think it would be hard to find someone who would dedicate so much time and energy so selflessly to the organization if Al were not there.  I too have enjoyed Al and Dale's cookouts in years past.  I am sorry I was not there this year.  I also think that the repro stuff Karl and Al have done is one of the best Penton things that has happened and I have sent alot of business in that direction for those items.

That said I want to say my other piece.  Rob, in saying that Al does not have a web site and does not get on the POG site and say I have this or that insiuates that there is something wrong with doing that.  I take offense to that.  I do get on here and say that.  I do it for several reasons.  One It is because I have invested my meager life savings in several parts inventories and I did not do it to just sit on the parts.  I did it to make money.  I also do it because I thought people were asking for this and that and it would benefit members.  I thought it was a benefit for both parties but I can sure get the heck off the POG site if there is something wrong with selling parts here.  I guess I thought the For Sale portion of the site was for that.  

I might not be so touchy on the subject if a customer had not told me a couple of days ago that a very prominent POG leader that has bought parts from me had told him he should get all of his parts from Al.  Besides myself Barry Higgins and Jake Fischer try to make some money in parts that we have invested money in.

I have had other customers say that some members moan because I sell stuff on ebay.  I do that because often it is where I can get sales quicker and for more than if I sit and wait.  Many times I give a heads up to the POG members and give them first shot at the parts.  On parts not on ebay I have regularly given POG members generous discounts and I believe I am the only vendor that does that.

If there are people that would prefer I not sell here please be man enough to at least tell me directly or on here and I can sure make that happen.  If you don't like the way I do business tell me.  I will be the first to admit I don't always get it done the way I would like to but I have always done the best I can in the time I have.

I am sorry if I have over-reacted but my feelings were hurt when my customer told me about the person that said buy everything from Al and then Rob's comment hit me wrong.
I can never do all that Al has done for POG but I feel that I have helped a decent amount of people with my small amount of knowledge from racing Pentons in "The Day" and now.  I am not attacking Al, I really like that guy, I am merely putting up a defense for myself and my investment.



I just want to thank ALL of you that KEEP THE PENTONS ROCKIN!!!! We are ALL brothers!! we have a passion unlike the rest of the world and that is VINTAGE PENTONS. We all need to make a living on whatever we do, there is No freebies,somebody always pays!Keep the penton parts coming and please somebody find my marzocchi fork leg!!

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


I just want to say that I have purchased many items from Larry Perkins and all have been priced fairly. He has been a true source of hard to find parts and even harder to find integrity.
We only wish that AL would get up to speed in the computer era! LOL Many times it's much easier to E-Mail that to make a long distance phone call, especially from the left coast.
Any person who is willing to take time out from thier lifes to help others in their quest to keep their Pentons alive is OK  in my books.
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Larry Perkins

Thank you Donny.  Also Bob, I am sorry if I jumped to conclusions and flew off the handle.  I am just still nursing hurt feelings over the comment from someone else that they should buy all their parts from Al.  I say spread it around so we all can make some on what is getting harder and more expensive to get.  I hope I was not too harsh.  

To all if ever I am doing something on here you don't like please let me know.  If it is the other way around as you can see I can't keep my mouth shut. All is well in Pentonia.



Buy your parts wherever you can find them.Al,Larry,Jake,and Barry have sat on parts for years.They paid taxes on inventory,stocked items that may never sell and helped countless people restore their childhood dreams.If they make a buck or two,that's the American Way.The parts that we supply to Al and Larry are inexpensive compared to the cost to produce them.We don't sell direct,only through them and we still haven't broke even.We just want the brand to live on through the friendships and comraderery that it has fostered.POG is the most organized and helpful group that you can find in regard to vintage bikes.And that is due to the people in the group like Al and Larry.I'm ashamed to read a posting like this where some of us have to defend ourselves.If you don't like the way this business is being done---buy a Maico or Bultaco.

Dwight Rudder

Anyone who thinks that this is an extremely profitable business should go suck an egg. I for one am extremely happy that we have guys who try and find parts and accessories that others might throw in the dumpster and pass them on to us who need and appreciate them. I have found and bought parts that would have been lost if I hadn't gotten them and passed them on to people who would appreciate them. I bought a lot of original ISDT glasses (Viking Dist.) and have been passing them on to Vinduro members as well as POG members. Yes, I make a bit of a profit but I would probably have paid more than I am asking if someone else had bought them up and offered me a piece of history. Al and Larry have always been fair with me and are highly competitive in pricing. Thank you. Jake, loves to deal and is usually a bit high but a lot of times is the only source also. The more you buy from Jake F. the more fair the pricing. I personally love each and every person that shares the wealth of parts with others and doesn't sent them out of country like I have seen others do.  So why shouldn't they make a bit of profit so they can buy more stuff for us to drool over. The guys who are also remakeing parts that are no longer available are also to be thanked. They sure aren't doing this to get rich. Maybe the guy who was bitching about Al just didn't fit in as a POG or Vinduro member. Some folkd just want to find something wrong with everything.
now for our Group Hug !

7 time ISDT / E medalist
7 time National Enduro Class Champion.

Larry Perkins

Ilove you guys.  Now I feel ashamed for bitching.  Those group hugs are great for the soul!



A couple of miscellaneous comments on POG.  I have never encountered  a more caring, helpful, honest, generous group of people in any other organization. (Maybe the boy scouts, but they don't ride old motorcycles!)
I have had people I have never met send me parts in the mail on my word that I would send a check after I receive them. I have had people send me parts and not charge a dime for them! I have people copy and mail technical articles to me at no charge.

And yes I have actually had people turn some profit on parts they have sold me. Of course I wonder how long we would be able to find parts if no one ever made any money? And you know everyones profit goes right back into procuring more Penton parts anyway.

Generally I have found vintage dirtbike folks in general to be outstanding to deal with. A few bozos on occasion but they seem to get ostracized pretty quick.
All-in-all I would have to put this group right up at the top of my list.




Vintage dirtbikers tend to be at least middle aged or older.  I think this explains the lack of knuckle heads.


john durrill

 with out your help as well as the others mention i would have never gotten my two bikes up and running. Its sad but its not much different than back in the 70's when i was selling. guess we just need thicker skins than most folks.
John D.



In reply to inquiries about making money on
thirty year old/obselete inventories/parts.:
Especially Penton parts, at one time this whole
inventory was up for grabs and only a few of
us had the foresight to make that initial in
vestment that would someday payoff for every
one who loved the motorcycles.  I just happen
to be one of them.  SooooI bought all the in-
ventory I could buy and made some large in-
vestments in inventory so I could share this
sport with others.  So now, I feel that making
a profit on my investment (if I do at times)
is very minimal to what I have invested.
For the ones who are complaining about making
a profit?  I now have the remainder of my in-
vestments for sale.  Someone who would like
to make that investment and share the profits
with other enthusiasts as I do - can buy me
out and have all that fun. Or, you can invest
in the stock market and see how that goes or
you can invest in the M.C. market and see how
that goes for you.

Either way, you can make Money or Lose Money.
So, take your chances.  For the love of the
sport of Motorcycles, I am willing now to de-
part with my treasures so someone can makelarge profits.         Best Regards,

                            Fischer Cycle