Cylinder Hone vs. Steel Wool

Started by Mick Milakovic, January 05, 2015, 11:10:03 AM

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Mick Milakovic

I have a standard-bore 125 Husky cylinder with very light rust, and a brand new standard bore piston.  I don't have a cylinder hone, so should I buy a new hone or use steel wool and WD-40 to lightly remove the rust?  If I need to buy a hone what do I look for in a decent tool?  eBay has them for as low as $12.  Never done any honing, so need some good advice.  Thanks in advance,


Daniel P. McEntee

Just for glaze breaking a cylinder, I think a ball type hone is recommended. That is what the local guy I had been getting  stuff from for the last several years. I would think the steel wool or a scotch -brite pad might do the job also and you could use even white vinegar to help remove the rust. This all is if the bore is nice and round and right on spec. A ball hone would be a good investment if you do a lot of work in the 250 size engines. I believe they are sort of size specific.
  Type at you later,
   Dan McEntee

Kip Kern

Ball hone in parts washer with battery drill, easy peasy