keeping track

Started by dennis brown, September 28, 2015, 04:48:32 PM

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dennis brown

i have been going through the issues of keeping track i was given, only 1 from 1972 december is this the first issue? john penton letter in it made me think it might be,thanks

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown

Paul Danik

Dennis, I read with great interest your post about getting the Penton along with the very interesting array of printed material from "back in the day".

The issue of Keeping Track that you asked about, December 1972, is the first issue of that publication and is probably the hardest one to locate as they weren't printed in great numbers, especially the early issues. The information contained in those issues is priceless.

Matt Weisman was the man behind those publications, Matt, along with his wonderful wife Barb were at the ISDTRR and possibly you have met them.

Congratulations on finding that pot of Gold..


dennis brown

paul 1  from 1972 the dec,12 from 1973,5 from1974,3 from1975,5 from 1976 and 3 4 differant hi point accessories catalogs a dirt rider mag vol 2 no.2 feb.1974.a cycle news issue covering the isdt 73.and a souvenir program for the isdt,73 signed by rick,sieman super hunky.and theama mag,dec 73 doing the 6 day in mass.i have been having a good time reading all of this. if you ever need too read any of this let me know

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown