GS conversion

Started by Andreas Piepke, October 22, 2015, 06:01:54 PM

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Andreas - Where did you purchase the Enduro rear fender, and the taillight assembly ?  I am in need of the same components for my rebuild of a 1975 250 Hare Scrambler Enduro in the States. Thanks for any info.



You should be able to find a spring at most any hardware store.  Nothing special about it, just find one that fits.


Kevin J. Donovan
Foster, Rhode Island
72 Jack Piner
72 Six Day
73 Hare Scrambler
74 Hare Scrambler
74 Mint

Andreas Piepke

Thanks Kevin! This certainly helps. Would you know the force constant of this spring? Once I have an approximate value I can find a spring.

\\\'73 Penton Hare Scrambler
\\\'73 Norton Commando
\\\'77 Maico 440 GS



Really? You expect I will know the constant force value of an extension spring I picked out of a bin at NAPA?  Here you go, you appear to be a sharp guy, you can do the math :D.

d = wire size (inches)
D = Mean Diameter (inches)
N = Number of active coils  
D / d = Index correction
G = Shear Modulus of Material (Music Wire = 11.5 x 10^6)
k = Spring Constant

Variable Values (From the spring I used)
Wire Diameter: d = 0.047 inches  
Outside Diameter: OD = 0.375 inches
Mean Diameter: D = 0.328 inches
Number of Coils: N = 42
G = 11.5 x 10^6 psi
Full Length: FL = 2.5" inches
Constant Force: k = Gd^4 / 8D^3N

Or you could do what I (and probably most people do) ;).  Pull out your tape measure and measure how long a spring you need extended and un-extended.  Then head on down to the hardware store or auto parts store and pick through the bins until you find one that works.


Kevin J. Donovan
Foster, Rhode Island
72 Jack Piner
72 Six Day
73 Hare Scrambler
74 Hare Scrambler
74 Mint


Andreas that's exactly the correct switch you have there.  I think my HS had a hike drilled in the top of the brake pedal whereas Kevin is running his from the rod it appears.  

Oh and Stephen you can get the tail light from Guzzino or bevel heaven -- the plastic backed version is cheaper than the metal but metal is how they came when new.  The fenders should be available but I can sell you a fiberglass one I used for whatever I paid but honestly plastic is more durable.
Mars Attacks!
68 Planetary/Lunar Lander (very sadly, sold with Gamma death-ray to the Italians)
78 400 MC5 also sadly sold
79 space rock shox bike

Steve Minor

My memory isn't what it once was, but I don't recall my 77 400 GS6 having a front brake switch when I bought it might want to check on that.

Quotequote:Originally posted by Andreas Piepke

Hi All,

I installed a GS rear fender and tail light this weekend:

The DC Plastics fender didn't fit too good, it took me quite a while to install. The tail light is a real CEV part I found in France, for a quite reasonable price.
Next step: rout all these cables and get them connected correctly. I plan to put four 1.5 V batteries together and connect them where the generator usually connects. This will allow me to try out all functions and measure all currents, before connecting the generator (and potentially burn something as there is no fuse anywhere). I'll also need to rout some additional cables to connect the front break switch which is not shown in the wiring scheme.

Have a great weekend!


Steve Minor
Steve Minor

brian kirby

I dont believe they came with front brake switches.


Andreas Piepke

My wiring diagram does show one either. However, I had a 1981 GS some time ago and that did come with a front break switch. I have a switch and the break lever accommodates it. Well, maybe I'll just leave it out on this one. Thanks for the input!

\\\'73 Penton Hare Scrambler
\\\'73 Norton Commando
\\\'77 Maico 440 GS

Andreas Piepke

Hi All,

I managed to put all electrical components together this weekend. I used a low voltage power supply with current limiter (to not fry any wires should there be a short). This allowed me to verify all functions, before running the engine.

This actually identified problems in the switch which were fixable by cleaning the insider and re-attaching the little cables.
The bike is put together now:

It starts and runs much better now than before. I think it was worth taking the engine apart again, as painful as that was.
Now I need to fix the tank. I am having a hard time getting the old decals off. They are rock hard and seem to be permanently attached to the fiber glass. I tried heating with a heat gun, soaking in Windex and WD40, followed by scraping with a plastic spatula. Nothing seems to make the old decal budge. Do you have any tips beyond the measures described above? I want to try polishing the tank before paining it. The fiber glass was gel coated so a niche polish might bring back the shine.

Happy Thanksgiving for everybody!


P.S.: Little movie
\\\'73 Penton Hare Scrambler
\\\'73 Norton Commando
\\\'77 Maico 440 GS



Great job on the conversion.  I've been following your progress since 2014, and I know you had had some snafus along the way so I just have to say -- way to go and job well done! Saw your video and it looks like you are on your way!!

The guys on here are so helpful and collectively have just an astronomical amount of knowledge about these bikes. Big thank you to all of POG members here who are always willing to help.


JC Hubbard

Keith May


I've had pretty good luck removing old vinyl striping, graphics, and paint from fiberglass boats with Easy-Off oven cleaner. It will remove paint so if the tank has been painted...BEWARE! It doesn't seem to hurt the gelcoat. If you go that route please try it on a spot out of sight under the tank just to be safe. Once removed the gelcoat should buff out. I haven't tried Zip Strip or similar paint removers but that may be an option too.
Good luck.



Nice job. There aren't loads of people who have the patience know how and commitment to do what you have done.  Congrats.
Mars Attacks!
68 Planetary/Lunar Lander (very sadly, sold with Gamma death-ray to the Italians)
78 400 MC5 also sadly sold
79 space rock shox bike

Daniel P. McEntee

I'll add my congratulations to you also. To say that you can be thorough in your efforts is an understatement! Sticking to the problem with good thought process. And your photos are great! Threads like this should be pinned somewhere easy to find just for the photos! Several questions can be answered I think just by reading the thread and it's accompanying threads. The nest part is now you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor, and you did it all yourself! Just keep us in the loop on getting the decals off your tank! The Off oven cleaner is used by plastic car model builders to take paint off plastic, so may be a viable option, and one I might never have thought of!
   Thanks a lot,
   Dan McEntee

Andreas Piepke

Hi All,

I'll try the decal removal advice. Seems worth a try!
Thanks for the encouragement. I am really happy that this job seems to come to a good conclusion now and proud that I was able to do this. I am looking forward to riding the bike. The POG was extremely helpful along the way, with good advice, encouragement, and even parts that helped at critical stages. I am enjoying interacting with this group a lot. I would love coming to your meetings, were it not such a long distance. With this project coming to an end I will probably start another one.

Cheers and thanks!

\\\'73 Penton Hare Scrambler
\\\'73 Norton Commando
\\\'77 Maico 440 GS

Andreas Piepke

Hi All,

the work on my 1973 (model year 1974) Hare Scrambler seems to be slowly concluding. I had the tank painted (that took a while) and put new decals on:

Looks much better than before, I hope. Two little things:
1) The color of the tank and the side panels is not exactly the same
2) This is something many of you must have struggled with: how to put flat decals onto a 3-dimensionally curved surface without putting any wrinkles into it? I have a bunch of little wrinkles in the front of the tank were it has the most curvature.


\\\'73 Penton Hare Scrambler
\\\'73 Norton Commando
\\\'77 Maico 440 GS