York 2016 Best yet !

Started by Paul Danik, January 18, 2016, 10:25:32 AM

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Paul Danik


   I hope everyone had a safe trip home from what was without a doubt the best York Swapmeet ever. Hats off to the Potomac Vintage Riders for a job well done. It was a pleasure to see so many old friends, as well as meeting many new POG members and Penton enthusiasts.

   There were many stories told at the event, but I think one of the most touching was by a gentleman who said that when he heard about there being a John Penton movie, he ordered one, and when it came he invited his wife to sit and watch it with him. He said his wife cried several times thru the viewing and when it was over she told him it was the best movie she had ever watched, which is even more impressive as she never even knew before hand what a Penton motorcycle was !

   After hearing this gentleman's story, I pointed to the other side of the hall and told the gentleman that Jack and Barb Penton were tending to their booth in that location, and offered to take him over and introduce him to them. To say the gentleman was overwhelmed to meet Jack and Barb after learning so much about their lives in the movie is an understatement. At dinner last night, Jack expressed his appreciation for bringing the gentleman over to meet him and Barb, I am sure the gentleman's story will be relayed to John, possibly over a bowl of chili and a cup of coffee at Wendy's...... :)

   What a great event...


Richard Colahan

I'll add a few thoughts to Paul's...
> Great banquet Saturday night for NE/NA AHRMA Region MX and XC riders.
Both Jack and Paul were gracious enough to get up and say a few words of both Team Penton history and support of current vintage racing.
Paul's story of Mr Penton's lesson of "No one can ever tell you when to quit...never quit!" struck a chord with all in the audience.

> A great job by Mike Slate, Jim Foster, Beaver and all of the Broom Factory crew to elevate the bike show to a first class event!
I'm used to seeing nicely restored vintage Brit and American bikes...but I must say the craftsmanship displayed on some of the "restored-to-better-then-new" MX and Enduro bikes was impressive!
And yes...way too nice to ever ride!

A great mid-winter event.

Richard Colahan
1969 V1225
Upper Black Eddy PA
Richard Colahan
1969 V1225
Upper Black Eddy PA

Rick Bennett

Another great event!
Had good luck again this year and picked up a bunch of Penton items. A 71 steel tanker project from Paul Danik...too bad he had to haul it all the way to York and then I had to haul it all the way back to NE Ohio. I also found a nice 6A motor for a hundred bucks with no broken fins and good compression. You don't see that every day. I found a Sachs ignition cover needing only a bit of welding from a chain problem for thirty bucks, a 73 frame with swing arm for twenty bucks and the air box for another fifteen. It's going to be a busy winter out in the shop. I need to thank my wife for putting up with my sickness. She came along this year and had a good time also. She took a riders course and got her road license this year so she is starting to understand the whole searching for bike process.
Ditto on what Richard said about the banquet. Good folks for sure. We race the North Atlantic CC series in Pa. and the crew that puts this on couldn't be more friendly. They do a tremendous amount of work to make sure everyone that comes to an event has a good time and feels welcome.
Old bikes/Pentons rule!
Rick Bennett

Dale Sonnenschein

This was my first York meet. I was pleasantly surprised to see so much off road stuff. I was expecting a lot of road bikes. I found a tank I needed for my husky and saw some old friends and met a couple new ones. I'm glad I went.

PS  Paul, I should have brought that 250 penton project home with me. I thought about it all the way home.


73 Jackpiner
73 Husky 360 WR/RT
76 Husky WR360
78 husky cr250
82 husky wr430
10 ktm 250xc
02 bmw r1150r


My first time also.  How about the quality of some of the restorations? Wow!  I went with a friend who has been going for years and his description of the event was accurate.  It was a long day with the driving(Outside of Atlantic City) but well worth it.  Thanks again to Al B for delivering my parts and to Paul Danik for the use of the bracket.  Tim C

Tim C
1984 Yamaha RZ 350
1973 Honda CR 250M
1970 Honda CT 70H
1970 Yamaha RT1
1972 JackPiner X 3
1977 MC 5 400
Tim C
1984 Yamaha RZ 350
1973 Honda CR 250M
1970 Honda CT 70H
1970 Yamaha RT1
1972 JackPiner X 3
1977 MC 5 400

Lew Mayer

Paul, that gentleman is an old friend of mine who lives about three miles away. We met "back in the day" and were in the Maryland Comp Riders together. He's coming up to look at my '76 250. He was thrilled to get to talk to you and Jack. It was his first time at York and he loved it.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


I agree, hands down it was the best York ever. I got there late slightly late at 8:15 on Sunday, And I had to park the Pilot and trailer around the side almost to the very back as there were so many vehicles already occupying the parking spaces. Great turnout. I'm glad for the Swapmeet vendors, including myself, that there was no auction. That has really hurt the swap meet in the past. Mike
Michael R. Winter
I enjoy rebuilding and appreciating Pentons!
1976 Penton MC5 400
1977 KTM MC5 125
1978 KTM 78 GS6 250
L78-79 MX6 175-250 KTM\\\'s
1976-78 125-400 RM\\\'s
2007 CR125R Honda
1977 MC250 Maico
2017 KTM Freeride 250R


My first time there, realized I was in the worst possible situation! Several bikes I wanted..really needed and didn't bring $1000 cash and ATM was broke.

Well maybe that was a good thing because I could of "needed" several bikes.

Great bike show and super swap meet. Nice January break. :)