70 steel tanker

Started by Gtomcon, March 11, 2016, 06:03:52 PM

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Thanks Mike , I'll check them out.

Mike Schulz

Your welcome Greg!
 Regarding the screws on the Bing Carburetor, the large one is the throttle stop screw which should be adjusted with the engine running. Screw the throttle stop in until the engine speed increases slightly with the throttle completely closed.The small screw is the air adjustment screw. With the engine running, screw in the air adjustment screw until the engine falters and then unscrew it until the engine begins to run smoothly (about 1/2 turn). The final step is to slowly unscrew the throttle stop screw to bring the engine to its lowest idle speed.
Timing should be set at 2.5 to 3.0 mm before top dead center according to the Sachs Engine service and Repair handbook.
Hope this was helpful:)
Mike Schulz

Cal Alexander

Greg,sounds like you may not have the shop manual for the timing setup. I can scan that page out of the manual and email it to you if that will help. You can shoot me an email through this web site and I will send it to you.      - Cal
75 MC 250
75 Mint 400
74 Jackpiner
74 Hiro
74 Penda
73 Penton Trials
72 Six Day
72 Berkshire
70 Six Day
and a few others

Paul Danik


   You mentioned earlier in this thread that you are missing the original airbox, if you can't find your original one, or haven't sourced one I can supply one if and when you need it.

Good luck and have fun..:)
