A funny thing happened on the way to Vintage Days

Started by Paul Danik, December 04, 2016, 09:06:23 PM

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Paul Danik


A year or so ago my good friend Conrad Pfiefer and I were on our way to Vintage Days and telling stories back and forth, the way good friends seem to do when they are together. At one point when there was a break in the story telling, I looked in my rear view mirror at the Steel Tank Penton in the bed and told Conrad about an idea I had been thinking about for awhile....

I told Conrad that from the time I was 15 and got my first Penton, till right up to that very moment driving to VMD, there has been one thing that has been a constant in my life. I went on to explain that the constant is how I am often driving down the highway, and looking at my Penton in the rear view mirror. I went on to tell him that I have often though of writing a song about how as the years have gone by, and all of life's changes have come about, the one thing that has remained the same is having my Penton in the rear view mirror.

There is an important fact that comes into play right about here, Conrad comes from a family of very talented musicians. Conrad himself is a college educated musician and can play pretty much any instrument that exists. Conrad's cousin Dave Stype, also a POG member, is also an accomplished musician and likes to be a partner in crime with Conrad when the opportunity arises.

And now, back to the story. Conrad right away gets that excited look that he so often gets and excitedly says, "I could write that". That was the last that I heard of the song from Conrad and figured it was just simmering on the back burner...till the POG Family Night meeting.

I was totally caught off guard when Conrad introduced his and Dave's creation to the assembled group that evening.

To Conrad and Dave, words can not express my sincere appreciation for the time and effort you have put into this.

I hope you folks enjoy their creation. Just click on the link below and everything should happen by itself.



Dale Sonnenschein

Well, that was awesome!!  Great pics too.

75 husky wr250
73 Husky 360 WR/RT
76 Husky WR360
78 husky cr250
82 husky wr430
10 ktm 250xc
02 bmw r1150r


Paul, You are very welcome, Dave and I had fun putting it together, not to mention the increased computer tech knowledge we gained trying to email files back and forth!
You deserve it as you are the ultimate ambassador for Penton motorcycles and have dedicated a great part of your life to motorcycle community.
After several thousand miles riding around the country with you it was time to put all those stories down on paper. It was YOUR idea for the song!!!
Enjoy and be careful what you ask for...it might turn into a Bluegrass song!

Conrad Pfeifer
of Mars PA, Home of The Paul Danik Presidential Library
Conrad Pfeifer
of Mars PA, Home of The Paul Danik Presidential Library


To PAUL,  A well earned Surprise !!
Short story for all;  Paul offered me a ride to POG meeting in Amhearst last Thursday when the subject link was played to the POG members.  I meet Paul, Judy, and Conrad near the Turnpike Entrance for the ride west.   Later in the KTM Building after arrival, Judy introduced me to their daughters.  I then began to apologize to Cami for taking their seats to Amhearst.   She immediately said, "You didn't take our seats, daddy doesn't know we were coming".  And I thought, WELL, if Daddy doesn't know, I suspect there is a reason, and so I shouldn't know either, so, NO MORE QUESTIONS !!!

Bob Gilman

Wow That was great,I can't wait for vintage days to get my new P.O.G. 2017 Paul Danik T-SHIRT and maybe hear this in person.You guys did a great job on this,brings back a lot of memories.It could not have been written about a nicer guy.Thanks Conrad and Dave


Right on Bob, I would proudly wear a Paul Danik T- shirt. We also look forward to this hearing this song at VMD.:D  Lee

Mick Milakovic

Thumbs up for a Paul Danik/Conrad Pfiefer T-Shirt!


Dave Stype

Paul.  Glad that you liked your video. Conrad and I had a blast putting it together. We talk on the phone every week or so anyhow and we were getting pretty tired of talking about arthritis and flat feet. This project gave us some new challenges to talk about.

If anybody out there needs help with Powerpoint just call Conrad. He's an expert by now.

Paul, I hope to hook up with you at Vintage Days this Year.  


Dave Stype
Dave Stype


Well done...nice lyrics and photos!  Looking forward to VMD in 2017!