Casey Folks Passes

Started by Farmjohnny, January 12, 2017, 04:05:38 PM

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One of the original off road racing pioneers and torch carriers has passed. If you have ever raced an off-road event west of the Rockies you probably have Casey to thank.
Casey was a mentor of mine when I was a young kid. At that time of my life (14) I was either going racing or going out to get into trouble. Casey always made me want to choose the racing.
God Speed Brother.


Casey who along with his business and racing partner, Tom Scales started Sportsman Cycle and were one of the early Penton dealers and supporters.

Larry Perkins

I raced quite a few BITD races going back to the 1980s and they were always tough but safe and well marked.  Casey was a great guy and a great rider.  He was always at the start of BITD races to send you off with the advice that life was an adventure, be safe, and live it!  Two of my proudest accomplishments racing were to finish and win 125 Expert with Tom Flores in BITD Vegas to Reno race and to win the Season Championship in 125 Expert in BITD with Tom Flores and Ric Emil.  RIP Brother you WILL be missed

Larry P :(


I remember going into Sportsman Cycle and drooling over the new Husky's, Penton's and Sacks, probably with you farmjohnny. Southern Nevada desert racing in those early years was the best of times. So many great racers came out of Las Vegas.
