Ted Guthrie Ohio Valley BSA Owners Club 2017 Pres.

Started by Paul Danik, February 16, 2017, 06:47:51 AM

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Paul Danik


     I just received the January/February 2017 Ohio Valley BSA Owners Club's newsletter, Small Heath's Best, and see that our great friend Ted Guthrie is now the President of that fine organization.

   Congratulations Ted on a very well deserved position, and Well Done to the board of the OVBSAOC.

    Ted and his wonderful wife Reb have worked tirelessly for the betterment of our two wheeled community for many, many years. They worked together to film many, many hours of POG events and then would spend countless hours editing the captured events and creating the many videos that the POG has of those events.

   You can check out some of their work on the POG Video Gallery.


Again, congratulations Ted on a well earned position.


Kip Kern

Lew Mayer

Lew Mayer

dennis brown

congratulations know you will do well in front of some really good people.

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown


I double checked my copy of the Ohio Valley BSA Owners newsletter and sure enough - Ted Guthrie is the new President.

Congratulations Ted!  Your enthusiasm and ability to get along with people and get them fired up will help keep the club going for years to come.  [:p]

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner

Dale Fisher

Looking forward to reading my newly arrived copy this evening.  Congratulations Ohio Ted!

Dale Fisher
Penton Owners Group - President/Memberships
POG Merchandise
Mudlark Registry
Facebook - Penton Owners Group - Administrator
Facebook - Cheney Racing Group - Administrator
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry


Mick Milakovic

congratulations Ted!  When is the fall run?


dennis brown

sadly the bsa rally is same weekend again that ahrma at Unadilla.i would rather go to the bsa event

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown

Bob Kent

Congratulations Ted!  Like Paul Danik, I'm another past President.  Long may the OVBSAOC thrive and prosper.  Bob Kent - #3


Congrats Ted!  A nice honor and of course well deserved.  Also comes with responsibilities and thank you very much for shouldering them!  The OVBSA is really an amazing group that brings people together for a shared interest.  The RRs are great fun.  In how many places can you slop around in the muck with no idea which end is up and then have a storied and many medaled ISDT vet help pull you out of a rut?

Mars Attacks!
68 Planetary/Lunar Lander (very sadly, sold with Gamma death-ray to the Italians)
78 400 MC5 also sadly sold
79 space rock shox bike


Congrats Teddy, they are very lucky to have a man at the helm like your self, you will serve them well,


Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]

Paul Danik

In response to Mick's question as to when their fall run is.

Their Spring Event is June 3 & 4, 2017

Their Summer Meet is August 4,5 & 6 2017, I believe this is the meet Mick was referring to.

This summer's meet will be their 36th. annual event, quite an incredible run from what is truly an incredible group.

Their website link is below.


Their events take place near Toronto, Ohio which is about an hour west of Pittsburgh. If you have yet to attend one of their events, be sure to put it on your bucket list.

Bob Kent who replied to this thread was an incredible leader of the OVBSAOC and is the gentleman with the KTM sidecar rig shown in the POG/KTM Day at the AMA video.




Hello one and all.  Thank you all so very much for your kind words and support.  I never have been anything other than an enthusiastic hack in a sport filled with folks much, much more skilled, talented, (and faster ;)) than I.  

My only hope is and always has been to simply contribute in any way possible to encourage and provide for enjoyment and participation by everyone in our beloved two-wheeled activities.

You are all great, great people.  I am honored to be associated with each and every one of you.  

God bless all.  Let's go riding!