POG 50th. Anniversary event Amherst, Ohio

Started by Paul Danik, November 05, 2017, 10:37:29 AM

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Scott Sappington

Reserved my room at Country Inn & Suites. Plan on flying in Friday out of Tampa Florida. Looking forward to putting faces to the names and meeting a bunch of new friends. 74 HS is not gonna make the shindig, Oh well.....some other time! Scotty "Rat" Sappington

Paul Danik


   At the recent York swapmeet there was a phrase that was heard over and over again at the POG booth... " See you in March. "

" Back in the day " there was a saying that " all roads lead to Rome ". I do think that on a certain weekend in March " all roads just might lead to Amherst ", a few air routes too !!!


Kip Kern

Booked Holiday Inn, excited to be at this event.  Bringing a re-restored 1976 GS400, restored 1972 CMF 125 ,and partial/unrestored 1971 125cc Steel tanker.  Anyone having an extra original Penton banner, bring if interested in selling!  Thanks in advance.

Paul Danik


   The big event is just a about a month away and plans are shaping up nicely. A revised / updated schedule of events will be posted shortly on this website for all to see and it will be in the soon to be sent newsletter as well.

   Newsletter editor Alan Buehner has been burning the midnight oil in getting the very special Anniversary Edition of Still....Keep Track ready for the printer, as he wants to get it into the hands of all POG members a couple of weeks before the big event.

   If you are not a POG member may I suggest that you consider joining as POG member dues is what keeps this website going, along with much volunteer time by Bill Smith and his crew, and you most certainly will not want to miss out on Alan's handiwork....

If you wish to join the POG here is the link to help you do so.


   I have had a few folks ask about the set up schedule. The doors will open at 8am for folks to start to arrive and set up memorabilia and motorcycles for display. We plan on getting the days festivities under way at 10am and want to have set up completed by then.  

  If you have nothing to display but still wish to arrive at 8am to start drinking coffee, eating doughnuts and bench racing with your old friends feel free to do so.

   We plan on having a sign in table set up where folks can fill out a name tag when they arrive.

   Folks have asked about some of the special guests who plan on attending. Carl Cranke, Eric Jenson, Tom Penton, Jeff Penton, Dave Duarte and Todd Huffman are a few of the ones I know of...and of course Jack Penton will most certainly be there....John Penton too..! The list is longer and it keeps growing.

   Sunday morning breakfast will be served from 8am - 9am in the same building. Display materials and motorcycles can be left overnight and loaded up on Sunday morning. We hope to have some casual time Sunday morning to say farewell and do a little more visiting as time allows. We hope to have the KTM building emptied and cleaned up by noon.

   There are no fees to pay or per-registrations to worry about. Just show up and enjoy what should be a very special day as we celebrate The First Fifty Years of the Penton Sportcycle.



Do you need to be a member to attend the 50th gathering

Thanks, Mike

Paul Danik


   Membership is NOT required to attend the 50th. Anniversary Celebration, nor is it required to attend any Penton Owners Group meeting or function.

Hope to see you there.




Thanks for the info can't wait to attend



If you can attend the monthly meeting, it's a good way to meet the other people involved with Penton.


Hello Paul.
Gary Richards and I will come to celebrate the big 50 event.
We need to stay overnight from Saturday to Sunday.
Could you please send me a few nearby addresses from Motels,so I can contact them and make arrangements.
Please let me know.
E = [email protected]

Thank you.

Paul Danik


   Glad to hear you two are going to attend.

   For event info and hotels, go to the POG website homepage:


and click on:     Penton 50th. Anniversary Celebration Information !



Quotequote:Originally posted by Paul Danik


   Glad to hear you two are going to attend.

   For event info and hotels, go to the POG website homepage:


and click on:     Penton 50th. Anniversary Celebration Information !


Thank you Paul.We found a nice place nearby and have booked.Will see all our old friends.


I am so excited to be able to be there. When asked by a friend why I was going to the 50th anniversary party, I replied that John Penton and his creation, the Penton Motorcycle, really defines my whole life time dirt bike experience. In 1968 I was racing a DT1 Yamaha enduro in the Michigan, Ohio and other midwest events (owned the first DT1 imported into Michigan). I remember vividly at the Jack Pine that year a little bike screaming and passing me and afterwards I asked the other riders "what was that?" The answer - the new Penton Six Day!!! I had to have one and got mine soon afterwards. I entered the Berkshire International 2 day in 1971 and had the joy of riding with John, Jack, Paul and many others that weekend. I was one of about 26 riders out of the about 125 riders in the 125cc class that started and finished the first day. The next year I moved to the Ozarks and put the bikes in the barn. I didn't touch a bike for 38 years, then in 2000, my son asked me to get the bike in the barn running so he could ride it when he came home from college that summer. He found the POG site and I called Al Buehner to figure out what I needed to get my 6 day running again. He was excited that I had a 6 day from the day, and said that I needed to come to Mid-Ohio and be part of a parade with John Penton leading the parade. I saw him with a Penton flag leading a single line of bikes in a parade around the compound. I was excited. Rosemary and I bought camping gear and headed for Mid-Ohio. The parade turned out to be a Motocross race. I was lined up with a 20+ year old on a 250cc Penton and a 40+ year old on a Mint 400 on either sides of me. I was wearing farmer boots, jeans and a helmet i found from somewhere. Someone looked at the original 40 year old cracked tires that were on my 1970 Six day and said "be careful on the jumps". JUMPS? This is supposed to be a parade lap!!!!! The rubber band snapped and we were off. My goal - to stay upright for one lap. After one lap, my arms were shot but I was still upright, so let's try another lap. The next lap went better so lets try another lap. Then I was passing people, wow, this is really fun!!! At the end of the Penton parade lap/Race (which John was not in!!!), I ended up 22 out of 27 guys and I was HOOKED!!! Racing was in my blood!!!! Over the the next 17 years I enjoyed racing the AHRMA cross country and motocross series and the MOVMX series on Penton motorcycles!!!! I have met an incredible number a wonderful people during these years. I want to thank John for all that he has done to create an environment for us to have so much fun. God bless you John, and I know He has.

Steve Minor

Great Story Teddy and great "seeing" you on the POG site again. I hope you won't be a stranger...you've got so much to offer.

Steve Minor
Steve Minor

Paul Danik


    Several questions have come up about the possibility of a Penton Parade at this event. There will be NO parade, and we discourage ANY riding on KTM's property what so ever. The grassy areas will be soft and muddy and it will be chilly enough that the pavement can be slippery with moisture or......

 We plan on having folks unload their display bikes right at the entry to the building so they can just wheel them inside without tracking up the floors, memorabilia also will be off loaded here as well. We plan on having a POG EZ-UP set up at the entry we will be using to make it obvious where to head once you enter the KTM property.

We plan on doing a walk thru of the building next week and will update any of this info as needed at that time.

Just a heads up on the fact that the time change for daylight savings time occurs on Saturday night during the event, spring ahead as they say.....so we will lose an hours sleep. Mr. Wardlow's predication that there will be no time to sleep is becoming more and more accurate...:D



Just booked my flight this morning. Really looking forward to this epic event!

[email protected]