Peace On Earth

Started by ALB, December 24, 2019, 01:05:03 PM

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Some food for thought for this Christmas season.

In the year 1914 WW I was raging in Europe. A terrible time with both sides at a stalemate with trench warfare fighting over a "no man's land" in between. On Christmas day the fighting stopped. The German troops started singing Christmas carols. The British and French troops joined in. Both sides rose up out of their trenches and ventured into "no man's land" without their weapons to sing together, shake hands, talk, exchange gifts of food, tobacco and drink and some even played soccer. It was a time of true peace across miles of the front lines. Unfortunately this was short lived.  The troops were ordered back into their trenches and the war continued. However many troops became reluctant to kill their friends on the other side of "no man's land".

The following was written by F Chirsopher Reynold who visited Belgium during Christmas in 2014 and walked the battlefield lines of 1914.

"The starting point for peace on Earth returns again each year with the announcement that all Creation is no man's land...No single human faith or ideology has any claim, text or ritual that enables its followers to privilege...Our entire planet belongs to all, not just human beings, all living beings.
F Christopher Reynolds in Remembrance of the 1914 Christmas Truce: It's Our Turn Now.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner


Very good reading AL , I really enjoyed this and I am a believer in peace , love of all creation . For he created not me and enjoy the fruits of his labor . Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to all . Amen

Rick Penno

Thanks for posting Al.

We all need to think about this and appreciate what some of the people ahead of us have done to keep us free and let us be able to enjoy life as we know it today.


Merry Christmas to all, especially our service men and women,
Past and present.

Raymond Woodard
Raymond Woodard