York POG Display

Started by Bob Gilman, January 28, 2020, 09:34:05 PM

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Bob Gilman

Thanks to Mayor Lee Buffenmeyer and his side kick Harriet for the great job they did on the POG display.Harriet sold shirts and hats keeping up John our main man and Jack signing autographs.Also thanks to the guys that displayed their bikes.Loved Ricks 125.Great job.


Yes it was a very busy day at the Pentonville. Penton Shirts, Hats & DVDs were flying off the POG table and going down the line to the next table for John and Jack Penton to autograph. It was a steady flow all day.
  I would like to thank the guys who stepped up to the plate and brought their Penton's to show in the display. Rick Bennet brought his 125 Six-Day that he did a cross country tour on this past summer. Mike Winter's 400 MC5, Sandy Quickel's 71' 125 Six-Day steel tanker, Kevin Donovan's 72' 175 Jackpiner, 74' 250 Harescrambler and his 100 Berkshire that took 2nd place in the peoples choice show. We also had a gentleman from the York Co. area that brought a 175 Jackpiner that has been in his family since new.  B&B KTM provided a New 2020 KTM Six-Day 300 XC-W to show the contrast between the current model and my 1968 125 Six-Day. I also brought my 125 Penton Cafe Racer.

Lunch for POG volunteers was graciously provided by Dale & Al Buehner

  A Special Thanks go's out to Mr. Penton and Jack for signing autographs all day long and only taking one 20 Min. break.

I would also like to thank my wife Harriet for standing by me and helping to sell all those T-shirts & hats.

  Thank You everyone and hope to see you at the PVR York Show next year, Lee Buffenmyer


Lee, it was an absolute pleasure meeting you and your bride.  Thanks so much for all the work you folks did to make this such a memorable event!


Kevin J. Donovan
Foster, Rhode Island
72 Jack Piner
72 Six Day
72 Berkshire
74 Hare Scrambler

Kevin J. Donovan
Foster, Rhode Island
72 Jack Piner
72 Six Day
73 Hare Scrambler
74 Hare Scrambler
74 Mint

Rick Bennett

I should add that I finally got to meet Kevin, the original builder of my Six Days, that I rode on the Vintage 1000s last summer. The two Pentons he brought to show were spectacular. I voted for the Berkshire.
I spent a good deal of time talking to interested folks and passing out some Speed Deluxe postcards with the 2020 ride information. Hopefully a few will sign up and ride.
At the AHRMA banquet during the after dinner speeches JP was given credit for having been the only finisher at the 1968 Little Burr National Enduro. At the swap meet the next day I found some old magazines at a booth. I always look for anything Penton and guess what? I found a August 1968 copy of American Motorcycling. In it is an article titled "John Penton Only Finisher In Submerged 250 Enduro". After 27 days of rain, over 400 riders started, trying to make three 88 mile sections. 70 riders were left to start the second loop, and only 12 for the third. On a Husky, John finished by himself with 917 points!
That was on page 8.
On page 11 there is an article on the Berkshire International Enduro. 240 riders started and you know who, on his trusty Husky, was the ONLY gold medal finisher.