Wanted: 76 Penton CC Frame

Started by slvrbrdfxr, June 19, 2021, 10:08:27 AM

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Hi all,
I'm searching for a good 1976 Penton cross country frame. Anyone coming to VMD at Mid Ohio at the end of July have a good 76 Penton 250/400 cross country frame that they would be willing to sell and could bring to that event ? Serial number range I'm wanting is 603xxxxx to 605xxxxx. I'd even consider a good rolling chassis. Let me know what you have. Thanks  for looking !
Dave McCullough

Mike OReilly

I have 2 frames from that era in the barn. I will check date codes not week and let you know.
Mike O'Reilly, Ottawa,  ON, Canada


Thanks Mike ! I can be contacted via email by using my screen name here on POG and then adding @cox.net
Dave McC

Mike OReilly

Success! I have a 6 03 frame.
email sent.


Thank you Mike ! Will be good to get this project rolling once I get the frame. I appreciate your help !
Dave McC