Sachs Engine Number

Started by naga418, November 01, 2002, 05:48:55 PM

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I figured out by the frame number what year the bike I have is, but I am wondering if anyone knows how to crack the Sachs engine number code? By the frame and color of the bike I have a built in 72' Berkshire 100 but I would like to know for sure what motor I have in it. It looks original but who knows on a bike this old.

Also I noticed that the 73' models came with plastic fenders and the 72' with metal fenders. My question would be if my bike was made in Dec. of 72' would it have metal or plastic fenders. Right now it has white plastic fenders which could be replacements if the metal fenders were bashed or could they be the originals????


1972 Berkshire 100
First Penton, but won't be the last!

Larry Perkins

If you supply the motor number I have a production list and can let you know what it is year wise.  Your bike even though made in 72 is a 73 model hence the plastic fenders.  KTM who did the assembly and frame production goes on break in August so generally bikes produced from September on tended to be the next year model.  Your bike produced in December probably did not hit the states and get to a dealer for a couple of months.  There are exceptions to all rules but this is the general rule.



Thanks Larry

I will post the engine number tomorrow.

Thanks again

1972 Berkshire 100
First Penton, but won't be the last!


I am still at a loss for the engine number on my bike. I found numbers under the fins on the front of the cylinder by  the exhaust but I do not find any numbers on the ignition side where I thought they should be. What I found on the front of the cylinder is a combo of numbers and letters.

Any help on this is greatly appriciated. As posted above Larry is going to try to help me narrow it down to what the motor is and when it was made but I can't even find the right numbers.

Help a new guy out if you will.

Thanks in advance.
Houston TX

1973 Berkshire 100
First Penton, but won't be the last!


122 reads but no replies??? Someone has to know the answer to this issue. I am a new guy to this but I am very interested in figuring this bike out and getting her back on the trail. If you don't want to post it public send me an email

[email protected]

1973 Berkshire 100
First Penton, but won't be the last!

john durrill

 Sachs motors of this era had the engine # on a small plate that was rivited to the Magnito cover.
 you may or may not have the orignal mag cover and the plate could be gone off the cover. As you sit on the bike , look down at the right side of the engine. the top of the mag cover just behind the cylinder is where the engine # plate was rivited on.
 You  should have a  6 speed Sachs B engine. that was the motor that came in the 72' and 73's.
  to tell for sure you would have to have the cylinder off . the case mouth where the cylinder fits in and the crank would tell you if its a B motor.
 Does this help any?
John D.


rob w

The motor numbers for a Sachs engine are stamped onto a thin aluminum label which was riveted to the top/rear of the right hand side cover just above the counter shaft sprocket. The problem with that was if the chain ever broke it would waste the side cover and there goes the engine numbers. It is actually uncommon to still have the original side cover with the engine I.D. tag still intact. Do you have a full length undamaged R.H. (Magneto) cover? and even if so it may have been replaced at one time. If your countershaft sprocket is exposed than half of your cover is broke off with the I.D. tag.



I was looking in the wrong spot all the time. My counter shaft sproket is hidden under the cover so I guess I still have at least an original cover whether or not it was changed who knows.

I don't like to sleep either I would rather ride:)

THanks guys I will get out in the garage right now and see if I still have the little rivited plaque.

1973 Berkshire 100
First Penton, but won't be the last!

rob w

Poll: I say SAXS, John says SOCKS.

How do you say it?


john durrill

 we need to ask Leo or Speedy. they would know for sure. :<)



The Germans would say it Sax but when they say it out loud    it sounds like Socks. Did that make any sense???

Just my theory anyway

1973 Berkshire 100
First Penton, but won't be the last!