AHRMA Cross Country - Diamond Don's

Started by johnbowman, September 07, 2021, 03:56:58 PM

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Alright Penton riders, racers, and bench racers, it's time for the second half of the AHRMA season. Heading out to Jefferson, Texas to Diamond Don's for the race this Friday, September 10th. I'm running the Vintage 100cc class on the Berkie.

Just had some serious carb issues again this weekend. After running great for a few months, it started to load up when hot. Probably the needle and needle jet again. Threw on a Mikuni. Hopefully, it will make it around the course.

Hope to see some fellow Penton riders there! Anyone else going?


John I should be there as an observer since I do not race anymore.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh



I hope that you can make it. I'll be on a 1972 Berkshire with an alloy tank. Number 901.



Ron Carbaugh


Ron, sorry that I missed you at Diamond Don's.

Here's a quick race report. It was hot and dusty. Really dusty. As Pete Petrick says it was a real dusty toad choker.

There was a pretty good field of riders for the race. They ran the course backwards from last year. Fortunately, they had built up the railroad crossings this year. It was a cloud of dust at the start. I had to watch out for the occasional tree hiding in the dust. By the end of the first lap, riders had spread out and the dust wasn't as bad. It was a good mix of riding: tight stuff in the trees, a few small creek crossings, railroad crossings, two track, levee riding, and a little grass track.

And, as always, it was fast. Lots of great passing places and spots to clean the engine out. You just had to be careful on the levees. The dirt was piled up from the riders and "looked" solid. It was not. It was more like a pile of talcum powder. If you came in hot and tried to use the rut as a backstop, your rear tire might just slide right through the dirt and you'd end up on your side. Don't ask me how I know this.

The little Berkshire ran great. I could have used more suspension travel on the little whoop sections and railroad crossings. I cleaned my air filter last night getting ready for New Blaine this weekend. Man, that thing was the blackest that I have ever seen! It was totally coated with dirt. I had to wash it three times to get it clean.

Great to see everyone. Hope to see you at New Blaine this weekend.