2022 York swap meet and bike show

Started by johnacapp, November 09, 2021, 11:43:54 AM

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To all,
I was curious if York was on the schedule for 22, Just went on line and site lists January 23, 2022 as the date.

Thinking about preparing and taking one of my Pentons to show.

Has there been any discussion if POG will have a presence?

John Capp
John Capp


Set up on the 22nd, meet on the 23rd.

Bob Gilman

Al wrote about it in the new keeping track issue #93,I just got mine yesterday.If your a POG member yours is in the mail.Lee Buffenmyer is in charge,717-626-0005 call him.


John we would be pleased to display your Pentons at the POG area at York.

We are looking for all Pentons original, dirty, & restored. Bring them all out and show off the best dirt bike ever made.

You can contact me at [email protected]  Lee Buffenmyer


sent you an e-mail on December 3
please check you junk or spam or e-mail my Yahoo account
[email protected]
I would like to talk to you

John Capp
John Capp


Hi all,
Can someone give a brief report on the York Swapmeet this year ?? I was going to make the trip up for it again this year but the weather forecast started going downhill. I didn't want to risk getting stuck in the airport and so pulled the plug on the trip at the last minute. Let me know. Thanks !
Dave McCullough


York 2022 was a good time, good crowd, decent weather. Ya missed a good time.



Kevin Lavoie and I took the long ride from Rhode Island to PA for the show and swap meet and had a fandamtastic time!  Interesting thing is, prior to COVID in January 20, I went to York, but since then I have been effectively cooped up and had done nothing, until York 22.  As silly as it sounds, it's the first thing that felt "normal" in 2 years! 

Got to catch up with tons of folks I see too seldom, attended the AHRMA banquet Saturday night, great eats by the way and even better stories from lots of folks. 

Huge thanks to the PVR club for hosting this event – it's really nice to be surrounded by 2000 people who are into vintage as much as I am.

The icing on the cake was that both Kevin and I hauled down a couple of bikes to show – Kevin Lavoie with his 75 Mint 400, the very bike he won the Blackwater 100 on in 2 consecutive years (75/76) and I brought down a 73 JP I finished freshening up just before Christmas. 

Kevin walked away with the Exhibitor's choice award – this is a trophy based on the votes of other folks showing bikes.  I took 2nd in the Vintage Enduro/Trail division for the JP.

The only fly in the ointment was we hit an ice storm headed back home, so it was a very slow go, but no issues.

Looking forward to the 2023 show and swap meet – the only thing I need to figure out is what to build, the choices waiting in my overflow storage are:  72 Berkshire, 73 Hare Scrambler, 72 Jack Piner, and a "Franken Bike" which will consist of a Rupp 80 frame and an NOS Sach 50/A engine, the plan for this one is to dress it as a Penton, remains to be seen what I "model" I name it.

All in all a great time  ;D

Kevin J. Donovan
Foster, Rhode Island
72 Jack Piner
72 Six Day
73 Hare Scrambler
74 Hare Scrambler
74 Mint


Quote from: KJDonovan on February 13, 2022, 05:40:00 PM

..... the only thing I need to figure out is what to build, the choices waiting in my overflow storage are:  72 Berkshire, 73 Hare Scrambler, 72 Jack Piner, and a "Franken Bike" which will consist of a Rupp 80 frame and an NOS Sach 50/A engine, the plan for this one is to dress it as a Penton, remains to be seen what I "model" I name it.

Hey, I have a suggestion.   Get that '72 Jackpiner up and rolling and going well!    :D    Someone we know would love to take it to Virginia ....


rob brown

Lannis, where are you in VA? I am at Smith Mtn Lake.

Rob Brown


Quote from: rob brown on March 24, 2022, 10:21:22 AM
Lannis, where are you in VA? I am at Smith Mtn Lake.

Rob Brown

I'm over in Appomattox County, near Spout Spring.  Heading out in the morning with my wife on our Triumph to Swansboro, NC at the beach for three days to meet some long time friends I ride with ....


rob brown

I hope you are enjoying your ride. It's been a bit cold and very windy. Let's catch up via text: 5408158411. I think we may have a mutual acquaintance in common:)


Quote from: rob brown on March 27, 2022, 01:32:28 PM
I hope you are enjoying your ride. It's been a bit cold and very windy. Let's catch up via text: 5408158411. I think we may have a mutual acquaintance in common:)

Just got home from the ride .... It WAS in fact very cold and windy, like flying an airplane in a crosswind all weekend.   AND we had the wrong electrical adapter for my wife's electric heated jacket, so she really had to layer up.

Still, it's quite a pleasure to get home after a 6 hour ride in the cold and wind, take a hot shower, fix a cup of coffee, sit in front of the fire, and enjoy having done and enjoyed something that 99% of the world either couldn't or wouldn't do!
