Help Needed Finding Photos of Al Born

Started by Rob Hugo, August 02, 2023, 07:54:03 AM

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Rob Hugo

I am working on expanding the riders section of the POG website. Alan Buehner has kindly been sharing the people profiles from past newsletters which I will work on converting. Hopefully, we will end up with a nice archive and to commemorate the people involved.

The current profile I am working on is Al Born.

Are there any archivists in group here that might have better versions of the photos used on this page? Know of any others that should be included? I have linked to his scrapbook at the library, but if any of you know of any other material, please let me know.


Rob Hugo
Tumwater, WA

73 Jackpiner
74 Jackpiner

Paul Danik

Rob, there are various pictures of Al Born, such as the ones below, contained in the POG photo gallery. Bill Smith should be able to pick them out quickly. Bill Smith said the photos from the April POG meeting at The AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum would be posted soon after the meeting. Has he provided you with any of those yet ?


Rob Hugo

Thanks, Paul! I saw the one of Al ( Al b 2.jpg) on the photo gallery and used it for the thumbnail on the main page, but did not see the other. I am at a disadvantage because I don't know these guys and am not able to identify them. Will get the other one added as well.

Bill did not have any of the ones used in the original newsletter so am just looking for a miracle in case they are out there.

Appreciate the response!
Rob Hugo
Tumwater, WA

73 Jackpiner
74 Jackpiner


Paul Danik

Here is a good one of Al from the 40th. event.

Tom Penton

Some images from my computer. Are you aware of Al's Scrapbooks at Amherst Library, available online:

Al Born Scrapbooks

Al Born - Tom Penton - Leroy Winters - Cliff Chaffe - John Penton - Ralph Haslage - Little Burr - May 1968.jpg

Al Born 2 Harescrambles Penton 125 steel tank vs Honda 160 scrambler BW base10.jpg

Al Born Harescrambles Penton 125 steel tank vs Honda 160 scrambler color.jpg

Al Born Tom Jack Jeff Penton 2003 USA ISDT reunion base10.jpg

Tom Penton

Tom Penton

Tom Penton

Rob Hugo

Thanks, Tom! These are great. Just the sort of thing I was looking for.
Rob Hugo
Tumwater, WA

73 Jackpiner
74 Jackpiner