January POG Meeting 2003

Started by Doug Wilford, November 29, 2002, 03:45:10 PM

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Doug Wilford

Who:  Guest speaker Pat (Penton) Leimbach, (Johns sister, and she does tell some good ones on John) What: Ladies night, bring the frau or frauline and enjoy the meeting, speaker, snacks and fello Pentonians.   Give the ladies a reason for a night out.  It may be a long winter and we want to keep them happy and understanding, if that is possible.   I know Luap and Yduj will be there.


Paul Danik

Hey guys, don't forget to make this meeting and bring the ladies.  Jan 9, 2003 at the KTM building in Amherst, Ohio, 7pm. This is a wonderful chance to socialize with your fellow POGGERS and for the wives to get educated.  We always sort of try to explain how the "value" of your Penton "stuff" has gone up in the last year and how your "networth" has increased because of your schrewd dealings in parts and bikes!!!!!  All kidding aside, this event was a great success last year and promises to be the same this year, all we need is for you to be there!!!