Jackpiner fork stem dissembly

Started by Gary Brinton, December 13, 2002, 09:23:38 PM

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Gary Brinton

I'm trying to remove the upper bearing race nut (looks like a top hat) from the fork stem.  The cap nut came off easily, however the the adjuster nut seems to be frozen.  Any tips on removing it?  I don't have a pin spanner and am trying to use channel locks to remove.


Doug Wilford

Try a pipe wrench on the big part so you aren't cramping against the threads use the handle bars for leverage blocking the pipe wrench so it stays put I think it may be a good idea to try alot of penetrant and some heat to


Kip Kern

I have had a lot of luck using PB Blaster, heat from a propane torch and then a nice strap wrench so as not to damage anything.  Rigid makes some real nice industrial strap wrenches for this work and are also fantastic for removing those tuff fork legs....


Gary Brinton

Thanks Kip and Doug,  I did use PB Blaster, a propane torch and a pipe wrench.  It left a couple small marks, but I was able to easily file them out.
