two things

Started by rob w, January 21, 2003, 10:30:25 AM

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rob w

What is stopping us from having P.O.G. T-shirts made? (maybe even jerseys) Is it something like, the organization is structured to be non-profit?


The "Login" and "Logout" thing-a-ma-jig does'nt work the same anymore. What's up?


Thanks, Bob Wardlow


Steve Minor

I haven't noticed any difference in "log in/log out"....that's not to say it hasn't changed....I just haven't noticed.

About the POG T-shirts or's a great idea! I'd buy a few.

Steve Minor


I did have a problem with the log on screen last week, but it looks fine now.
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Paul Danik

Your suggestion about a POG shirt has not gone unnoticed.  The biggest problem is that someone has to do it.  It takes time to design and produce the shirts.  Then we need to house them and sell and send them.  Right now the POG is in the middle of producing a set of collector postcards that will go to the members, each postcard is made from a picture from yesteryear that is important to the Penton history.  These will be made in limited numbers for the POG members and will most certainly become highly collectable. We are also working on the POG display that we will take to Austria for the KTM 50th anniversary festival in June.
The "Penton Day At The AMA" meeting has taken a fair amount of time to organize.  All of these things plus the "normal" everyday functions of running a club, website, newsletter,membership, ect puts a strain on the group.  So please don't think your idea is without merit, it is just hard to do everything and to do it to the high standards that John Penton and the group will be proud of. As more members join the POG and also attend the monthly meetings and start to shoulder more of the day to day items then more projects can be taken on.


rob w

When I type in my username and password, then hit login, the word logout used to appear, it does'nt anymore. I never see the word, logout.
First I was hit by some evil person who contaminated my computer with a virus or something, then everything went down hill from there. I had to replace the hard drive, and since that has been new, the login/logout deal is different. Without being to login, I cannot go back and edit a post. The evil emails I've been getting are from someone smart enough to make it appear to be a motorcycle related subject. I got one that was addressed from Dave Mungenast, another from Brad Lackey, and this other one is soooo weird. I have this 73 ISDT t-shirt that I've been trying to get most of the Penton riders from that year to sign it, I have Mr. P, Jack, Doug, Paul on it, and most recently met Dane at a meeting, and got his autograph on it. So the other day I was thinking about the other riders I need to meet, and I was thinking about Joe Barker, well about an hour later I had new mail on the computer, and it said, Joe Barker-Meeting notice. I did'nt think twice about deleting it because I think it was those messages that hit me in the first place. But is that not too weird to believe.
Is there a setting I need to change?
Bob W


Tom Gougeon

I have a co-worker who does T-shirts on the side. He does high quality work, embroidery on T-Shirts, sweatshirts, jackets and so on. If enough poggers show interest, I'll talk to him about quantity pricing.